Kell turned and saw Brian holding the door open for them.

“That comes after, Prince.” He smirked, shaking his head at Ty.


If it hadn’t been for Brian holding him steady, Ty probably would’ve careened down all five hundred of those stairs when Kell had appeared at the bottom in a finely tailored gray suit. The lighter golden streaks in his hair reflected the sun’s rays as he walked. Ty was dizzy watching him. He’d never seen Kell in formal wear, and before now he’d never had a desire to, favoring the sexy ninja he worked with every day. Kell may never be a man who cared about clothes like Ty did, but when he did step out clean… it was a style he rocked like a master.

The three judges had the ceremony appointments scheduled back-to-back. There were at least twenty couples standing around the large lobby. Young, old and all in between. Some were in tight embraces, some stared longingly into each other’s eyes, some played Candy Crush on their phones. A few had people with them to witness their union and some didn’t. It made for an interesting room.

There were many young faces with hope and excitement glittering in their eyes. There was a serviceman there in his Navy BDUs with his extremely pregnant girlfriend in her Taco Bell uniform. He and Ty were the only gay couple, but luckily there was someone else there far more interesting to gawk at than them. Even Ty tried not to stare at the woman in a massive wedding gown, and two-foot tall head dress, complete with a train that had to keep getting gathered by three of her friends and moved out of the way.

Ty and Kell filled out their forms for their marriage license and paid the fee. The clerk told them to wait for their names to be called. He was so glad they had the first appointment, because he was not in the mood to be around all these people. He just wanted to be alone with Kell. He stood with him tucked into his chest, by the window. Held him warmly, as more people filed in.

At twenty minutes after twelve, the clerk called their names. Kell smiled up at him. The gray in his suit made the light blue in his eyes stand out. His shy smile said, “this is it”. Kell’s love was a visible energy cloaking his body and framing his entire face.

Ty pecked his mouth slowly and walked toward the woman holding the door open to a long, narrow hall. Brian followed quietly.

Her voice was nasally when she spoke. “Last door on the right is Judge Jackson.”

“Thank you.” Ty told her.

The Judge’s chamber was dark, with burgundy-colored furniture and a deep oak desk and wall-to-wall bookshelves. He had the heavy drapes pulled back to let in the daylight. He greeted them pleasantly enough, but he wasted no time standing behind his podium in the middle of the room and gesturing them forward. Ty wasn’t expecting a counseling session, not with all those people waiting in the lobby.

The judge didn’t look any older than fifty as he pulled a pair of reading glasses from his crisp, white dress shirt and placed them on his nose, quickly reading over their names.

He told them in a low, gentle voice, “Repeat after me”.


They stood on the steps of the courthouse and let Brian snap a couple of pictures. They couldn’t have stopped smiling if they’d tried. Brian kept shaking his head and rolling his eyes when he tried to get a shot of them not kissing. The whole ceremony had taken less than five minutes, as they’d chosen to exchange the standard vows. He and Ty made promises to each other every day so there was no need to delay the only words they truly wanted to hear.

I now pronounce you married by law in the State of Georgia.

Brian gave Ty the keys to his black Mustang. “Kell’s bag is already in it. I’ll be by to pick it up tomorrow. Congratulations again, you two.” Brian hugged them both before he left.

“Where are you taking me, Ty? I can’t believe I’m blindfolded. This is insane. Are we going home?” Kell was barely able to talk around his giddiness.

“Yes,” Ty said casually, making Kell growl with little heat.

“I will be able to know where I live, won’t I?” He sat back in the sporty car and crossed his arms over his chest. “Will I have to wear this every time I come and go? How will I be able to do a change of address? I guess the mail carrier will have to find me.”

“Oh, you being cute, now?” Ty reached over and took Kell’s hand. “You’re going to take back all that snark you’re giving your husband when you see your final gift.”