“Don’t let that fucker get away, Brian!” Duke yelled out, the sound of his deep voice deafening in their ears.

The brothers were in the lead – Brian was faster than Ford – almost a half block ahead of them. Goddamn if they both didn’t have the build and physical stamina of NFL linebackers.

“Which way?” Quick heard Ford huff through their earpieces.

“North on Ralph.

“Is he armed?”

“Unknown at this time,” Dana said, his watchful eye tracking everyone’s movements through his scope.

“Copy that,” Ford confirmed.

“Proceed with caution,” Duke reminded.

No sooner had they rounded on Ralph Boulevard, Quick saw Brian’s massive frame go airborne and crash down on their perp’s back, sending them rolling across the unforgiving asphalt. Brian ended up on the bottom. Quick and Duke were closing in fast, but Ford got there first, and Quick knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. Ford lost it anytime someone touched his baby brother. Never mind that he was military trained as well, and was capable of taking care of himself. Ford, still running full speed, dove head first, knocking RayBud off his brother. This was why they wore the leather. Otherwise, Ford and his brother would have a seriously nasty case of road burn.

RayBud was yelling his surrender, but Quick still had to pull Ford off the scared man. Duke dropped a hard knee onto their skip’s back, making him yell out in anguish. “Someone help me! Record this! Police brutality!”

“Shut up. You shouldn’t’ve run, idiot,” Duke grumbled as he secured their perp’s hands and feet with zip ties. They weren’t required to Mirandize their detainees because they weren’t cops, they only had one sentence to say, everything else could be handled by the authorities. “Your bond has been revoked, Raymond Jones, for failure to appear in court.” Duke pulled RayBud up and began to walk him past the small crowd that’d gathered to gawk.

Brian was up now, brushing the gravel off his clothes. His brother looking on with a watchful eye. Quick asked Brian if he was okay, and of course, he got a dismissive wave. If any of them were hurt, they’d deal with it later.

Dana pulled up to the curb with the gutted out truck and helped Duke frisk their skip before loading a still screaming RayBud into the back. There were a few people standing back with their cell phones raised high, recording their every move, but Quick didn’t give a damn. That was a regular occurrence. RayBud was a coke dealer who didn’t mind that ninety percent of his clientele were high school kids. Now he was off the streets. They deserved medals. Let them shoot their cell phone video; he’d love to star on the six o’clock news.

Speaking of six o’clock… Quick checked his new hi-tech watch. It was a little past one. Dana had transport duty today, so Quick’s day was officially over. He’d drop off Duke at the office and then he’d handle a few things before he picked up his date.

Quick waited for Duke to check on Brian and Ford. They confirmed they were both alright and said they’d head back to the office to handle the last of the paperwork. Real team players.

When Dana pulled away from the curb, Duke and he made the short trek back to his vehicle. “Back to the office.”

“Um. Drop me off at the hospital,” Duke said, now checking his own timepiece. “I’m a little behind.”

“Hospital? Why?”

“I’m cool. It’s just a checkup. I had planned on rescheduling, but Vaughan wasn’t having it.”

Quick’s mood rose even higher. “Oh, no problem. I’ll take you, even walk you inside.”

“I think I can manage, buddy.”

“No. I insist.”

“I just bet you fuckin’ do.” Duke laughed.

Quick didn’t care that he and Cayson already had plans to see each other later. He missed him. He’d only admit that to himself right now, though.


“Dr. Chauncey, your two o’clock is here,” Nania’s professional voice echoed through his intercom.

Thank god. Last appointment until Monday. Cayson smoothed down his light blue tie and waited for Duke to come in. There was the sharp rap of knuckles on his door before it opened. As soon as Duke cleared the doorway, Cayson greeted him with a sincere smile, but it soon turned megawatt when Quick followed Duke in.

He stood and shook Duke’s hand before hugging him briefly in greeting, like he always did. “Good to see you, Duke. I see you brought company.” Cayson gave Quick a personal wink and got a charming one right back. He wanted to lean in and kiss Quick, and maybe even rut on his thigh for a few seconds. There was something about those guys when they walked around, towering over everyone, like they were gods of the universe, in all that black with weapons hanging off of them. You’d think the apocalypse was right outside the safe confines of the hospital. The large, bold white letters, spelling BOUNTY HUNTER across their chests made you want to never miss a scheduled court date if they were going to send men who looked like Duke and Quick to get you.