Quick had given the small band a ballad to play for him and his date. Quick didn’t know what the song was, but he trusted his son. This song had lyrics, so when Quick had spoken with the trio’s manager yesterday, he confirmed that their piano player knew the song and could sing it better than the original artist could.

Quick’s heart beat wildly in his chest when the waiter came to clear the last of their shared dessert. The waiter gave Quick a discreet nod, when the keyboard player pulled the microphone closer to his mouth and began to speak in a Simply Red raspy tenor. “This song is for a couple celebrating a very special night.”

He didn’t say anything else, didn’t blurt out their names or anything equally mortifying. Instead, Quick stood and held out his thick palm, saying a two-second prayer that Cayson wouldn’t refuse, and humiliate him in front of the entire restaurant. But the gleam of surprise he saw in Cayson’s gorgeous eyes immediately put him at ease.

“Dance with me?” Quick asked assertively as the man began to sing the song Vaughan had picked and deemed as their song.

I don't even know how to love you

Just the way you want me to

But I'm ready to learn

(Listen to Quick and Cayson's song here: https://goo.gl/AmHsuH)

When they reached the small area of smooth wood that was allocated as the dance floor, there were two other couples already there, and it made it a little less awkward that they weren’t the center of attention. They may have had company, but this song was specifically picked for them by Vaughan for a reason.

Quick wrapped one arm around Cayson’s waist. With the other, he held Cayson’s hand and tucked it close over his aching heart. Cayson laid his head on Quick’s chest, his arm wrapped around Quick’s neck, stroking the long, silky hairs there. He so badly wanted this man to be his. He leaned lower and ducked his head, putting his mouth just above Cayson’s ear while they slowly inched side to side. He wasn’t the best dancer, but he could manage that. The song was slow, and the lyrics were almost spoken instead of sung. Like a promise or confession set to music instead of a love song.

“Vaughan picked this song for us,” Quick admitted. He was glad he did when Cayson looked up and placed a gentle kiss on his chin.

“I see why.” Cayson laughed and laid his head back where it fit perfectly.

So did Quick. The words were beautiful… and very fitting for both of them.

I don't even know how to hold your hand

Just to make you understand

But I'm ready to learn

Yes, I'm ready to learn

To hold your hand, make you understand

Holding Cayson tight to him, they both closed their eyes and let the words settle into them.

I don't even know how to kiss your lips

At a moment like this

Oh, but I'm going to learn how to do

All the things you want me to

Oh, but I'm ready

Yes, I'm ready

Are you ready?

“Well I’m stuffed, thanks to that delicious dinner, but the lights and garden sound nice.”

“It does.” Quick smiled, not able to keep himself from leaning over and going for Cayson’s soft, pink lips again. “So, you do wanna go check it out? You don’t think it’s too cold out?”

“You’ll keep me warm, right?” Cayson smiled seductively against Quick’s mouth.


Quick held up his date so he could pull the keys from Cayson’s pocket. He hid his smile while he unlocked the gate, as Cayson hummed parts of their song in his ear.