Page 103 of Twisted Sinner

While she’s finishing the sitting with Tracy, I make a call to her publisher. The book is virtually finished. Turns out that sitting for an artist who’s willing to answer all her questions means the book will be done faster than she ever expected.

Tracy Benn, the artist who hasn’t given an interview in twenty years, is giving Ophelia everything she needs, all because I asked her to.

That’s what it’s like as the Don. I ask. I don’t demand. I don’t need to. My reputation precedes me. Everyone believes I killed Michael. They think I killed my father. No one believes his heart finally did for him. The Beluccis are running scared, terrified of my reputation.

They think I will stop at nothing to maintain control. That gives me immense power. No one is willing to fight me. That makes me happy but not as happy as knowing Ophelia comes back today.

A week sitting for Tracy. A book pretty much finished and now with one phone call, I have a meeting set up between her and her soon to be publisher.

It’s all good.

We’re trying for a baby. I doubt it will take long for Ophelia to get pregnant. The tests we both took at the fertility clinic suggest it will be simple enough.

A family.

A very different family to the one I grew up in. No more pain. No more shouting. No more violence. We will do things very differently in our household.

I have told her about my past. I felt it was only right. I gave her the opportunity to leave once she knew how broken I was. Told her about my mother leaving, about the things Michael did to me.

All she did was hold me. I almost cried. Maybe one day I’ll be capable of shedding tears but I doubt it. There are some things that you can’t overcome.

Not many though.

She told me about her past. About being locked in her room by her parents while they fought, about being told that sex was dirty, about the prayers she was forced to say over and over again while they yelled.

Their marriage crumbling and blaming her, calling her a sinner over and over again. A childhood that almost broke her yet it didn’t manage it. She survived. She overcame. I am proud of her as she is of me.

I’m not the man I was when I met her. She’s not the same woman I first encountered.

She has been in the punishment room, getting used to the crop, the table, the paddle, everything I want to use on her.

She has complained about none of it. She has learned much about the different kinds of sex toys but those lessons have been nothing compared to her submissive lessons.

Every day she surprises me by how willing she is to obey. When she comes home today, I have told her to make sure she is wearing no underwear.

She must pass through several public places before she gets here. I’ve told her that once she is inside the elevator, she is to undress. I want to see her naked when she walks into the penthouse.

She can ride the elevator now. She has no fear anymore. Not after I rewarded her every time she rode is successfully.

She can refuse to strip, of course she can. Several things she’s not dared to do before now. That is why she’s learned what it is like to have the paddle slapping down on her ass.

I get the feeling this is one command she will be willing to obey. She has been away from me for a week, the longest time we’ve been apart since we were married. She wants me as much as I want her.

I end my call with the publisher after just a couple of minutes. It doesn’t take long to arrange things, not now I’m in charge and everyone knows it.

A message pops up on my phone. Rocky says they got to the island okay. That’s good to hear. I might have to use another driver for a week but he asked if he could take Cathy out to the island to celebrate her business getting its first major client. I saw no reason to refuse. Gives Ophelia a chance to get the last of her stuff out of their apartment without too many tears.

Rocky is fetching Cathy’s stuff to move in with him. Ophelia lives with me now. We hop from the penthouse to the country house to the island, depending on how we feel.

I don’t need to be in the city all the time, not now I’m in charge. I have shaken up the ranks and put the best people in control of my businesses. All I need to focus on is getting Ophelia pregnant.

Her fertile window opened this morning. We have a couple of days to maximize our chances and I intend to start tonight.

I make another couple of calls. Transferring our empire into legitimate enterprises is taking time but it’s almost done. Soon, the Feds will have no reason to even look at our accounts.

It’s a good feeling to know the risk of me going to prison diminishes by the hour. I could never be away from Ophelia for that long. This is the only way to ensure I get to be around to bring up our children. Many, many children.

When she tells me she’s five minutes away, I head out of the penthouse and wait by the elevator. I stand ready for her.