Page 59 of Twisted Sinner

Father looks at her and swiftly gets to his feet as he does so. “We have not been introduced, my dear. I am Rafael Felici. And who might you be?” He holds a hand out toward her.

“Ophelia Addams,” she replies, accepting his hand. “A pleasure to meet you.”

Father turns to look at me, still holding her hand. “Is this one of your one night stands?” he asks. “You are honored, my dear. He never usually brings his women here. This is a private spot for our family to discuss business, not a vacation home.”

He turns to look at me, his eyes narrowing. “She is one of the women, isn’t she?” he asks, wagging a finger at me. “She is the special one, isn’t she? You killed a Belucci in cold blood for this woman? Who is she to you? I have never seen her before. She is not one of ours. Who is she? You bring her here. You give away the location of this property to her? Who is she? Tell me now and it better be good.”

“Father,” I say, reaching out for Ophelia’s hand. “This is my fiancée.”

His eyes narrow. For a moment he looks at me, his eyes probing for signs of weakness. I give him nothing until he retreats to his seat, waving her and me away. “And when is the wedding?”

“A week from today.”

He nods. “Where does she live?”

“New York.”

“And what do you do for a living, Ophelia Addams?”

“Right now, I’m what you might call between jobs,” she says, smiling weakly.

“Unemployed? A moocher? I see.”

“She’s a writer,” I tell him. “Writing a book about Tracy. You remember her, don’t you, Father?”

He grunts. “You will obey my son if you are married?”

“Of course.”

“You love him?”

She hesitates. It’s only for a moment but it’s long enough to make a smile flicker on father’s lips. “Yes, I do.”

“I see,” he says after a moment. “Show me your love for him. Kiss my son.”

She looks from him to me. I give her a nod and she comes over and pecks me on the cheek.

Father shakes his head. “That does not look like love to me. Do you love him or not?”

“Of course I do,” she says, sounding more confident than before.

“Then kiss him.”

She turns to me and I grab hold of her, pushing my tongue straight into her mouth, bowling her over with the passion of my embrace, not giving her a chance to overthink things.

I let go of her, turning to look at my father. “Are you convinced yet or should I fuck her in front of you?”

“That will not be necessary. Take her home. I will remain here until you return. We have things to discuss tonight that do not involve civilian ears. Go on, get her out of here and let me finish my cigar in peace. With any luck, the heart attack they keep warning me about will come while you are away, end all the stresses of this life.”



It’s the first time I’ve been genuinely frightened of Vincenzo. He looks at his father with murder in his eyes, like he might walk over and simply strangle the life out of him. It’s only there for a moment but it terrifies me. Then, in the blink of an eye, he has a hold of himself.

He turns to face me, a smile on his face like he’s not bothered by anything. “Let’s take you home,” he says. “I’m sure Cathy will want to know how your evening went.”

He allows me time to collect my handbag before escorting me out to his car waiting on the gravel next to what I presume is his father’s Escalade.