Page 67 of Twisted Sinner

“For your interview. How are you doing for today or is that too short notice?”

“Sorry, back up a minute. What interview are you talking about exactly?”

“Your job interview. We could see you at noon if that works for you?”

“But I haven’t applied for a job with you.”

He lowers his voice. “Look, don’t make me say it out loud. Let’s just say you do the interview so the paperwork gets done right and then you can start the job whenever you like.”

“What job?”

“Acquisitions manager on a hundred thousand a year. How does that sound?”

“It sounds like this is a prank. Who are you?”

“This is no prank,” he says, his voice growing strained. “Please, tell him it’s fine. We’ll find the money in the budget somewhere. Just come in and it’ll all be okay.”

The penny drops. “Has Vincenzo Felici threatened you?” I ask.

“No, of course not.” But I can hear the lie in his voice. “Shall I book you in for noon today? It’s the earliest we could do. The personnel manager is flying back in from her conference just for the interview. She’ll be landing in an hour. I’ll see you at noon, yes?”

“No, you won’t. Listen, whatever Vincenzo said to you, I’m sorry you had to hear it but don’t worry. I’ll be having words with him myself.”

“No, please, I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“It is no trouble, trust me. I’m sorry to have caused you a panic but you don’t need to book me in for any interview.”

“You don’t want the job? Can I find you a different position? Something in the research department maybe? I could push to a hundred and twenty thousand.”

“Listen, Kevin, was it?”


“Listen, Kevin. When I get a job it’ll be based on merit, not nepotism. You need that money for the library far more than I need it.”

“But Mr. Felici …”

“Don’t worry about him. I’ll take care of him. I’m so sorry you had all this trouble. I’ll call him now myself. You take care, okay?”

“But …”

“Goodbye, Kevin.”

I hang up and immediately dial Vincenzo. He doesn’t answer. It goes through to his voicemail.

I snap down the line. “If you think you can butter me up by blackmailing a library into giving me an overpaid made up job, you’ve got another thing coming. I’ve half a mind to back out of the entire deal. I have integrity, you know? Jesus, threatening a librarian. What the hell is wrong with you? Couldn’t find any kittens to kick? Don’t try anything like that again or the deal’s off. Got it?”

I hang up, feeling furious with him. We already had a deal. Why did he have to go and ruin it by blackmailing the Morgan Library? Did he not think of the consequences? I couldn’t work there now even if I wanted to. The entire workforce would be terrified of me, knowing I was connected to the man who threatened them. That’s no way to work or to live.

I’ve barely put my phone down before a message comes through.We should meet to discuss.

What’s to discuss?I type back.

I am out of the country presently. When I return, we will meet. You will not hear from me again until I am back.

I don’t bother replying. He’s so hot and cold, I’m not sure how I even feel about him.

I don’t know whether to be impressed and flattered or pissed and insulted.