Page 79 of Twisted Sinner

“Or he knows my measurements because he pervs at my body.”

She shakes her head. “No, this is different. He knows what style suits you. There’s an art to that. You wouldn’t work in a fairytale dress. Wouldn’t suit you. This, modern meets classic, this is you.”

“You think?”

“I know. You know, the more I thought about it, the more I thought Rocky was just feeding me what Vincenzo wanted me to pass on to you.”

“What are you talking about?”

She drains the last of her coffee. “Vincenzo is afraid to commit. What better way to try and keep you at arm’s length than by telling his driver what to tell me. He knows I’d pass it straight onto you. All that stuff about him only caring about money. I don’t think it’s true. I think he wants you to think that so you don’t get too close. I think it’s like you told him. I think he’s scared of getting close.”

“So what do I do?”

“Take the month, like you said. See what happens. At the end of it, if he’s still running scared, you walk away. But if he’s willing to commit, you’ve already got the rings. All you need to do then is spend the rest of your lives together.”

“Simple as that?”

The door buzzes again. Cathy crosses to it. “Rocky,” she says to me a moment later. “Here to take the blushing bride to her wedding venue. You ready for this?”


“See it as a test. See if it can work.” She gives me a hug. “I bet you a steak dinner you’ll still be married in six months time.”

“We’ll see. I need to pee.”

“Hey, you’re a poet. Or a rapper. Try something else. See if it rhymes.”

“I’m going to the bathroom.”

“Nope. Must have been a fluke.”

While I’m peeing, I hear Rocky out in the lounge. When I come back out, he’s kissing Cathy but they pull apart at the sight of me. “Did you do this?” Cathy asks, waving an envelope at me.

“Do what?”

She pulls out a check. “Twenty thousand, signed by Vincenzo. Note says it’s to support the start of my cleaning thing. Did you do this?”

“I might have mentioned something about you needing a start up loan.”

She hugs me again. “If you weren’t marrying the guy, I’d marry you. Thank you, Ophelia.”

“You’re welcome.”

Rocky clears his throat. “We need to move. You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

“Then let’s get going. Your groom awaits.”



Rocky brings them both to the ceremony. For it to be nice and legal, we need two witnesses. Her roommate and my driver.

I could have made it a tiny legal ceremony but it’s better this way.

When they arrive, I’m talking with the priest in front of the altar. He’s three thousand deep after a card game went south for him. He’s looking relaxed. So he should. I’m clearing his debt in return for his work today.