lted to its side while spinning and Kennedy slid out the open door screaming.

“Fuck!” yelled Neville. “I couldn’t grab him.”

Dr. Costa screamed and covered her face.

“We need to clear out some of this crowd. Get on that Minigun, Corporal!” Webb screamed at the crew chief. The crew chief charged the weapon and started firing. The Minigun began chewing up figures running around as clouds of mist with blood, brain matter, bits of bone and significant amounts of bodily fluids dispersed tens of yards from the epicenter of the mass. Firing of the mini-gun continued as the helicopter approached the ground.

With the tilt of the aircraft, the rotors were now meeting the mass of infected with a blood bath rivaling any slasher film ever made. Bodies separated at the torso and arms, legs and heads detached and launched yards away. The amount of blood spewing from all the bodies caught in the helicopter’s rotor wash became an enormous cloud of crimson falling hundreds of yards over the flight line.

Finally, the rotors contacted the ground and churned up more of the already mutilated bodies along with chunks of concrete. The rotors spun for a few seconds before a couple snapped off and flew through the encroaching crowd of infected.

The Blackhawk came to rest on its left side. A smell of blood and gore mixed with jet fuel and burning flesh made the team gag. Smoke hung in the air and made seeing their surroundings near impossible.

“Move, move, move.” Webb barked. “We have to get the hell out of here.” The team was already unbuckling and climbing up to the open side door facing the sky.

Shin reached the opening first and surveyed the area. “Help us, Buddha.” Shin uttered. He was sitting on the side of the Blackhawk, looking around the crash site. There were bodies, piles of viscera and seas of blood spread across the landscape as far as the eye could see. Many of the infected were still alive, but were not in the best shape. Shin put a few down as the rest of the team made their way to the top of the open side.

“Jesus H. Christ,” Neville spat. He slid over to set up his sniper rifle to cover the team’s exit of the downed aircraft.

Webb exited and looked on the ground. “Unfortunately, we will have to wade through all this shit. My Team will use their balaclavas, all others make a scarf out of your shirts. Keep your mouths covered and don’t let any of this stuff enter your body.”

Dr. Costa, who was still in tears, made her way out of the helicopter. Her face turned ashen when she viewed the scene in front of her. “Oh my God?”

“Come on Doctor, we have to move,” Webb persuaded. She slid down to the ground, and he caught her.

“Aargh,” came from inside of the Blackhawk. “Shin help me, he’s stuck,” the copilot pleaded. Shin went back down inside and made his way to the cockpit. The copilot was trying to help the pilot, but wasn’t having much luck. “My leg is pinned. I can’t seem to pull it out,” the pilot cried. Shin looked down at the pilot’s legs and the control panel and center console smashed his shins.

“We must try to apply leverage to free his leg,” Shin instructed, motioning to the copilot.

“Ah, Capt., we have company arriving,” Neville reported. “A couple dozen infected making their way toward the crash site directly on our six. Estimate 325 yards and closing.”

“Copy that. Shin, be quick. We have infected heading this way quickly.”

“Working on it, sir,”

Neville adds to his previous report, “Sir, Kennedy is in the group’s front leading them right to us.”

“Damn it,” Webb responded. “Neville, give him some respect, please.”

“Yes, Sir.” A shot reported as Kennedy’s head exploded and his body hit the ground. “Sorry, brother,” Neville whispered.

“Shin, how’s it going in there? We got to go!” Webb inquired.

“It’s not budging Sir; the panel is smashed against his legs.”

“What if I come in and help?”

“Negative, Sir. The space is too tight. The two of us can barely fit.”

Neville’s head was beading sweat. “Sir, they are still coming, you want me to thin the herd?”

“Only the ones that are breaking away in front of the pack. Don’t waste ammo on the rest.”

Boom… boom. “Got the two front runners, but they are getting closer,” Neville reported.

“Get me the fuck out of here. Come on!” Shouted the pilot.

“We’re trying,” the copilot responded. The pilot started thrashing and bucking, trying to get loose. Shin was trying to calm him down while they tried to free him.