Page 23 of Ravaged Bride

“I can see no reason why you’d lie.” He crosses the room and takes the chair opposite mine, examining me closely. “What do you want to do about it?”

“That’s why I’m here. What do you want to do?”

“Marry you.”

He says it so calmly, I’m sure I must have misheard him. “Sorry, did you say you want to marry me?”

“It’s the only logical solution.”

“Is it?”

He leans back, crossing his feet at the ankles. “You are part of the Colombo famiglia. Distant but the connection is there. When Don Colombo finds out you are carrying my child, he will put a hit out on you. If you are married to me, you will be under my protection. No harm will come to you.”

“Wait a second. I’m nothing to do with the Colombo famiglia. Not anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“My mother was thrown out for having Jody out of wedlock. We’ve not been welcome since before I was born. We’ve got nothing to do with them. Nothing.”

“Blood is blood no matter if you were thrown out or not.”

“You’re shitting me, right?”

“You are carrying my baby. Don Colombo will want you dead. Marry me and I will keep you safe. There is no other option if you want to stay alive.”

“But what if I don’t want to marry you?”

“It need not be for long. I have a meeting coming up with Don Colombo. After that, we will no longer need to remain married.”

“Why, exactly?”

“That does not matter. What matters are the simple facts. You are carrying my baby. I need an heir for my empire so this works out well for me. You will be paid handsomely for carrying the baby to term. Consider it a surrogacy position.”

“And if I say no?”

“I doubt you’ll live long enough to see your baby born.” He says it with complete conviction.

My insides are turning to ice. “But if Don Colombo sees me as part of his family, surely he wouldn’t kill me, right?”

“It would shame him to imagine a child carrying Colombo and Bianchi blood within it. Easier to do away with you before the baby is born. Also, you embarrassed him with your speech at the funeral. Combine the two and you’re in trouble if you walk out into the open anytime soon. He sent me a warning just this morning that you’re in danger.”

“You say it like it’s no big deal. This is my life we’re talking about. Another life too.”

“Hence why you must marry me.”

How does marrying you make me safe?”

“Because it tells Don Colombo that you are under my protection. He does not want a war. He wouldn’t risk killing you and thus provoking one. There has been enough bloodshed between the families in recent years. Peace has not been here long.”

I look out of the window, letting out a groan. “I can’t believe this.” I look back at him. “Are you serious about all this?”

“I don’t joke about money or sex. Look on the bright side, Miss Fletcher.”

“What bright side?”

“You’ll soon be richer than you ever dreamed possible.”

“I told you before, I don’t want your dirty money.”