Page 49 of Savage Beauty

She puts the phone to her ear as it connects. I hear a faint woman’s voice down the line. “Hello?”

Rory almost drops the phone. She jumps in her seat, sitting bolt upright, all sleepiness gone from her eyes. “Cara?”

I walk out of the dining room and head for my study, taking my coffee with me. I’ll leave the two of them to talk. By the time I get back, Rory will know that Cara’s about to catch a flight back home.

I’m not even sat down at my desk before my cellphone rings. I pull it out. Giovanni. Do I want to speak to him? I better do. I’m guessing he’s heard about the wedding plans. He has moles everywhere.

“Giovanni,” I say down the line. “Early in the morning for you, isn’t it?”

“Quit the bullshit. Why have you booked a wedding ceremony for tomorrow?”

He has found out then. “Because I’m getting married.”

“Who the fuck are you marrying?”

“A woman.”

“I guessed that part. If it’s a hooker, I’ll tell the commission. It won’t count. You can’t just marry anyone. She has to be a member of one of the families. You can’t marry any civilian just to become Don. It doesn’t work that way.”

“But you can try and get me killed?”

“I didn’t fire any gun at you. That was Moretti’s people.”

“All’s fair in love and war, Giovanni. Remember that phrase when you pinched my girl in high school? You remember, don’t you?”

“Eva was a little slut and she wanted me, not you.”

He thinks he can jab at me but I’m too old to care anymore. “What do you want, Giovanni? An invitation?”

“I want to know who you’re marrying. I have a right to know.”

“You sure about that?”

“I could trash the venue. How does that sound?”

“Won’t stop the ceremony.”

“Damn you, Nico. Tell me!”

“All right, I’ll tell you.” I chuckle to myself. “Aurora Moretti.”

“Bullshit. She’s dead. She died with the rest of them.”

“You sure about that?”

“You’re shitting me, right?”

“See what signature goes on the marriage certificate.”

“So she’s alive. Damn it. And you? You’d marry a Moretti? You’re colder than I thought, Nico.”

“May the best man win, big brother.” I hang up before he gets another word out. The phone rings immediately but I silence it. Let him stew on that for a while.

I leave a message for Matteo. He needs to get the venue moved. Just in case.

I doubt Giovanni would do anything in front of so many witnesses but better not to take a chance.

Once that’s done, I head back through to the dining room. Time to see if Rory is done talking to her cousin.