“I don’t like you driving back to the Palast alone,” Max said.

“I’m a big boy, Max.”

“So I’m going to send somebody with you. I agree with your scenario that Serov may be here because of you.”

“Listen to him, boss,” Flo said.

“I’m too tired to argue.”

“Are you too tired to hear a request?” Flo asked.


“I’m going to need some ASA type help around here.”

“Okay. What? How many?”

“I could use two cryptographers, basically. With debugging skills. Holders of Top Secret clearances you’d feel comfortable to upgrade to Top Secret–Presidential.”

“Why do I think you have two old pals from your ASA days in mind?”

“Because I do. I already asked Tiny. He said he’d ask Colonel Wallace, but that he’d have to check with you first. Now you’ll be gone tomorrow . . .”

“And you need them right away?”

“I really want to very carefully sweep this place for bugs. And you see how big it is. It will take forever if I do it myself.”

“Well, I’m glad you asked me before Tiny called Wallace. We’re not going to ask him. Give me the names and I’ll get on the SIGABA to General Greene, ask him to put them on temporary duty with Detachment ‘A.’ He’s turning out to be one of the really good guys.”

“And Wallace is not?” Max asked.

“I sometimes feel he’s turning into Mattingly. Which means he doesn’t particularly like me, and that he’ll do whatever he has to do to cover his ass. Like deny, or at least delay, adding two female ASA types to us.”

Flo reached into her shirt pocket and came out with a slip of paper, which she handed to Cronley.

“You’re always selling that Boy Scout line, ‘Be Prepared,’ boss, so I was. Am.”

“I’ll call General Greene as soon as I get to the Palast,” Cronley said. “Bring on my bodyguard, Max.”


Farber Palast

Stein, n

ear Nuremberg

American Zone of Occupation, Germany

2155 21 February 1946

Sigmund Karwowski was sitting in a Louis XIV chair in the Duchess Suite when Cronley walked in. A Thompson submachine gun rested against the wall.

“You can go to the Mansion now, Sigmund, and get a good night’s rest before assuming your new duties.”


“As soon as you turn over the SIGABA to Flo Miller tomorrow, you, as Number Two to Ostrowski, will be in charge of security for Judge Biddle.”