“Aren’t you going to ask me in?”

“Mrs. Schumann, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

“Would you prefer that I cause a scene in the corridor?”

He backed away far enough for her to enter, leav

ing the door open.

She glanced at it. “If you leave the door open, someone’s likely to see me in here.”

“I don’t think us being in here behind a closed door is a very good idea.”

She moved quickly around him and slammed the door closed.

“I have no more interest in getting caught doing this than you do.”

“Ma’am, I think you’ve had a little too much to drink.”

“Just enough to find the courage to do this.”

She advanced on him. He retreated until his back was against the door.

Jesus, she’s going to grope me!

“Shut up and kiss me,” she ordered. “And for God’s sake, Jimmy, stop calling me ‘ma’am.’”

She raised her face to his.

And then she groped him.


1405 30 October 1945

Why do I really not want to open my eyes?

Maybe I’m thinking that if I just lie here keeping them closed I won’t have to face what I just did.

Cronley felt Mrs. Schumann’s fingers on his face and opened his eyes.

She was beside him in the bed, supporting herself on an elbow, looking down at him.

“What did you do, doze off?” she asked.

She had a sheet and blanket over her shoulders, but they did not conceal her breasts, her stomach, or her large patch of black pubic hair.

“What we just did wasn’t smart,” he said.

“Probably not. But we did it, and we can’t take it back.”

He looked at her, and then away, and now he saw their clothing scattered between the bed and the door to the sitting room.

“So tell me about those sad eyes,” she said.

He didn’t reply.

“They’re what attracted me to you. So tell me.”