Page 116 of Until Him

I glance down at my phone once more and when I don’t see any more messages, I just shove it into my back pocket.

I’ll grab lunch with my friends and then I’ll head over to see Theo.

* * *

A few hours later, my knuckles rap on the door and I shift on my feet. I need to convince Theo to give me a key so I don’t have to wait like this. I’m too antsy. I want to see him.

The door swings open, and Theo is standing there looking like hell. He’s shirtless, in his baggy joggers, his pencil stuck behind his ear, and his eyes are red-rimmed. His hair looks like he’s been running his hands through it all day.

“Hey,” I say gently, stepping toward him, and taking his face in my hands. “Hey, what happened? Was it your dad?”

He shakes his head.

“No. Nothing. I’m fine…I’m just tired.”

My lips turn down and I examine him closely. I mean, he probably is tired. He was busy studying for his finals, and I can’t imagine what those even look like. Hell, just thinking about what he must have to memorize makes my head hurt.

“You sure?” I ask as I feel Curie brush against my ankles.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a treat, handing it to her.

When I stand back up, Theo is blinking rapidly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Congratulations on your test,” he says, moving away from me.

I follow him into the kitchen and lean against the counter.

“That was all you, Theo. I got a fucking A. Me! Can you believe it? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A…except maybe in kindergarten.”

He grabs a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water, gulping it down.

“Yeah, I can believe it, Logan. And no, that was all you. You worked hard and you deserve it.”

I itch to pull him into me, but he looks like he needs his space, so I just fold my arms across my chest and watch him.

He’ll come around. Pretty soon he’ll walk right into my arms and pull me against him, like he’s done every night for the past few weeks.

Then we’ll fuck. I want celebratory sex, and I want it bad.

“So…” He begins not meeting my gaze. “It’s over then.”

“Thank God,” I mutter with a smile. I am never taking another science class for the rest of my life.

The glass in Theo’s hand trembles, water sloshing over the sides, and he sets it down roughly onto the counter.

“Yeah, okay, I get it.”

“Yeah, shit. I know. Never again,” I mutter and laugh a little.

But Theo isn’t laughing, his body is stiff and unmoving.

“You can go,” he whispers.

Those three broken words make my entire body freeze. For a moment, I think my brain misheard. “What?”

“It’s okay. It’s done. You can go, Logan,” he repeats a little louder, and I frown. Is he for real? After everything we’ve been through. Is he…is he asking me to leave?

“Are you shitting me right now?” I ask, frustration welling up inside of me. “Are you kicking me out? Why?”

Cora Rose's Novels