Page 13 of Until Him

My eyes flick to the book in his lap and then back up to his eyes.

“You’re not paying attention. You’re wasting my time.”

“Sorry, man,” I say with a whine, running a hand over my face. “I’m so distracted.”

You, Theo. You’re my distraction.

He stares at me for a full minute, making me squirm, and then sets the book aside.

“Tell me why you’re distracted so we can move on.”

I swallow and look away from him. No way in hell I’m telling him shit. That is for my brain and my brain only.

“Nah, I’m sorry. I’ll do better. Can you just explain it one more time?”

Theo studies me and fiddles with the bottom of his shirt, twisting it around his finger.

He opens his mouth to say something and then snaps it shut. Well, hell, now I’m curious. What was he going to say? But I don’t get a chance to ask because he just pulls the book back onto his lap and says, “Fine.”

He explains the concept once more, and I try hard to understand it. Theo even writes it out on the whiteboard, but my mind is all jumbled up. All I can focus on is his mouth, where his soft pink lips are moving and his slick tongue peeks out as he talks. I keep picturing his tongue circling my nipples.


“Did that make sense now?”

I swallow and shake my head.

“Fuck, no. Sorry. I think I need a break.”

I stand up and pace to the other side of the apartment and look inside the fridge. It’s sparse; only a few cans of soda, a loaf of bread, and a jar of raspberry preserves are inside. This guy needs food, stat. How does he live like this? I would wilt and die. I probably eat more food in one meal than Theo has in his entire apartment.

“Can I have a soda?” I ask.

“Feeding you wasn’t a part of the agreement.”

“You’re not feeding me. It’s a drink. You gave me coffee yesterday.”

He pulls his lips between his teeth and then nods. “Fine. One.”

He holds up a finger as I swipe a can of Coke from the fridge and pop it open. It hisses in the quiet space between us, and I tilt the sugary goodness into my mouth.

I usually don’t drink this stuff, but fuck if it isn’t good. It burns my throat and makes my eyes water as I swallow it down.

A little burp escapes my mouth, and I set the can on the counter.

Theo is still sitting on the ground, the chem book on his lap. His eyes are on me, and I fidget nervously under his stare. What’s he thinking? Does he know that I jacked off to thoughts of him last night? What I did with my fingers as I lay in bed?

“We can just take a break and come back to this tomorrow,” he says after a moment of silence.

“No, man. I need to cram as much as I can into my head today. I need to bring my grade up soon. If I end up on academic probation, I’m fucked.”

“Some days, it’s best to just step away from something—”

“Can’t do that. My grades are in the shitter already. There’s a test coming up next week in this class, and I need to pass it. I gotta show my coach I’m bringing my GPA up, or he’ll bench me.”

And I can’t let my team down like that. I have to stay focused, but Theo is making it fucking hard. He’s making me hard. It’s relentless.

Theo thumbs through the pages of my book, his eyes moving from the pages to me and then back again. “Just let me know when you’re ready to start. But just know that I have plans in about an hour.”

Cora Rose's Novels