Page 18 of Until Him

Curie walks over to me and brushes against my ankles, and I pull a toy mouse from my pocket. I chuck it onto the floor, but Curie just eyes it like it has an infectious disease.

“Go on,” I say. “Play with it. It’s yours.”

She turns to me and gives me a look like I just insulted her mother and then struts away.

“Why the fuck are you buying my cat toys?”

I shrug. “Dunno. Wanted to win her over or something.”

Theo devours another large bite and then mumbles, “Don’t buy her stuff.”

I shrug, feeling annoyed he’s so prickly when I’m just trying to be nice.

I lean against the counter and try for something more positive. I’m not going to let him get me down.

“Wanna know something?”

He stares at me. “Probably not.”

I roll my eyes, “My chem professor asked a question today, and I answered it. Correctly.”

He stops chewing, and his eyes widen slightly.

“I was pretty fucking proud. I surprised that asshole too. He thinks I’m dumb. I mean, he’s never said that, but I know he thinks it.”

Theo resumes chewing.

I twirl my fork in some noodles and then shovel them into my mouth.

“So, maybe I actually have a shot at passing my upcoming test.”

“Maybe,” Theo says, stabbing another piece of orange chicken and chewing.

We eat in silence for a few minutes when I ask, “How old are you?”

Theo sets the box of food onto the counter and folds his arms across his chest. Oh, here he goes again, getting all defensive.

“Come on, man. It makes me uneasy to fuck around with you and not know anything about you. It might work for you, being all detached and shit, but it makes me feel weird.”

He ponders that a moment and then says, “Twenty-four.”

Ah, so he’s a little older than me.

“You undergrad?”

“No, graduate.”

Fuck, that’s impressive. This dude is super smart. I mean, I knew that. But now Iknowthat.

“I’m twenty-two. A super senior. Had to retake some classes because, as you can tell, school isn’t my thing.”

Plus, there was that one semester I was home with my brother, but I don’t want to go there right now.

Theo doesn’t notice my behavior change and picks up his food again, slowly chewing as he eyes me. Well, he isn’t telling me to go to hell, so I decide it’s his way of telling me to go ahead and ask more questions.

“What’s your favorite color?” I ask.

He licks his lips. “Grey.”

Cora Rose's Novels