Page 52 of Until Him

Maybe the curse is genetic. I was born this way.

“I don’t know about that,” I reply, clearing my throat.

“You’ve caught on to everything I’ve gone over in each session, and what I’m explaining isnoteasy. I think you don’t give yourself enough credit.”

I clear my throat again because damn, now my eyes sting. No one has ever really believed in this part of me. I’ve always just laughed it off, even though it hurt a little, but hell, maybe if Theo believes in me, I’m not a total lost cause. Maybe I can have options in life.

A sniffle escapes me and Theo eyes me from his seat.

“Are you…crying?’

“I never cry. I’m a man.”

Lies, I cry all the fucking time—just blubber on and on—usually in a locked bathroom with my fist in my mouth, but still.

I’m a crybaby, with muscles.

Theo is silent for a few minutes and then rolls his pencil around in his fingers.

“I almost failed one of my STEM classes my freshman year.”

I gape because this guy almost failing at anything is almost unbelievable.

“I almost gave up and changed my major. But I didn’t and now I’m getting my doctorate in chemistry.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t, but my point is, you’re trying, Logan. Sometimes people think that because they’re not naturally good at something that they shouldn’t even try. But the truth is most successes and talents aren’t natural, they’re won by hard work and persistence. You’re trying and you’re working hard, despite it all. That’s admirable. You’re brave, Logan.”

I sniffle loudly. No hiding it now. He’s making me all emotional.

“You’ll pass this class. I’ll make sure of it.”

I swipe at my eyes. “Thank you.”

Theo nods and then returns his attention to the window. I’m not sure what to say after that, so I just turn the radio on—mainly to hide the sniveling I’m doing, but also to distract myself from Theo. See, now I’m doubly distracted. Landon isn’t even on my mind, and Theo is scribbling in that journal of his and I’m trying to sneak a peek without driving us off the road.

Is he writing stuff about me? Why is he writing so fast?

Oh my god, I want to read it.

When Theo and I finally walk into Landon’s apartment, my mind is a mess. My eyes immediately snag on Finn sitting at the small dining table, fiddling with his phone. As soon as he hears us approaching, he stands up with a big smile on his face.

“Hey, man…” His words taper off when he sees Theo walk in behind me. “Are you serious right now?” he asks me.

I just shrug and ignore him.

Finn narrows his eyes at me and frowns. “I know what you’re doing, Logan. You’re a fucking glass house; I can see right inside.”

Yeah, I know. He doesn’t even need to say it; I’m a fucking coward.

I never claimed to be anything else when it comes to my brother. He’s my weak spot. I’m like that lion dude fromThe Wizard of Oz, just running away from shit all the time and quaking in my boots.

“Where’s Landon?” I ask.

“He was really tired and fell asleep,” Finn explains. “He tried to stay up for you, but now I’m glad he didn’t.”

I run a hand through my hair. “Shit, man. Give me a break. I know what it looks like—”

Cora Rose's Novels