Page 54 of Until Him

Just before his lips connect with mine, the bedroom door opens and closes.

The two of us freeze, our bodies so fucking close and yet suspended in space.

We hear the bathroom door open and snick shut and Theo sighs, pulling away and turning his back to me.

Fucking Finn, ruining shit for me.

I probably deserve it though.

I run a hand down my face and stare at the ceiling, my dick straining painfully against my boxers. I’ll survive. I’ve survived worse. Landon has too.



Theo was a good distraction today, but he can’t get me out of tomorrow. No, tomorrow is happening whether I want it to or not.



I wakeup to the sound of Landon’s laugh muffled through the walls, and when I pry my eyes open and feel a body pressed against mine, I can’t help but smile.

Theo tucked himself right up against me sometime in the middle of the night. His warm breath puffs against my skin, his arm thrown over my stomach.

I lie there for a moment and savor the sensation of him against me. It feels different, waking up with someone. It’s not something I’ve ever really done before, but I think I like it. He feels good, and I don’t want to move.

I know I should get my ass up though and say hi to my brother. But I stay planted on the mattress, listening to Theo’s soft breathing, until the bedroom door clicks open and I hear Landon and Finn moving about the apartment.

Fuck me silly. It’s happening. My stomach clenches and my breathing grows labored. The guilt and anxiety of this moment creep up on me and I’m nearly breathless from it.

Maybe a distraction wasn’t the way to go. I should have just sucked it up and faced my fears, because now I’m dealing with the aftermath, and it won’t be pretty.

“Think he’s awake?” Landon asks Finn softly.

I hear some shuffling and then Finn says, “I’ll go check.”

Then my best friend is right there, standing over me, frowning.

“He’s awake,” Finn tells Landon and a second later, Landon limps his way over to where I’m lying and smiles down at me.

“You made it,” he says.

Theo stirs in his sleep next to me as I stare up at my brother.

“Yeah,” I breathe.

My eyes move across his lean body and when they land on his prosthetic leg, I lose the ability to function.

“Oh, here he goes again,” Finn mutters and then glowers at me. “Get the fuck up, Logan.”

“Alright,” I say, and yet still, I don’t move. I can’t. It’s physically impossible to move right now. I’m paralyzed.

Theo stirs next to me and wakes with a gasp. He sits up so quickly, that he nearly tumbles off the mattress.

And there it is—the distraction I need.

I’ll just ignore the bigger issues in my life until I die.

Cora Rose's Novels