Page 89 of Until Him

I chuckle because he’s right, but I could give two shits what anyone else thinks at the moment. I only care what he thinks. “Do you think I am?”

Theo rolls his eyes. “You’re much too full of yourself.”

“Well, I have you to bring me back down to earth.”

Theo sighs and presses in closer, his hand tracing the line of my hip.

We lie in silence for a minute and then Theo says, “My dad gave me his number.”


“Yeah, I think I want…I think I should hear him out.”

“I think whatever you decide to do will be the right decision. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer in a situation like this.”

But I know he wants this, deep down he does. I saw those words in his journal that one day.

Theo blinks up at me and I run my hand through his hair again. I love how unruly it is, sticking up all over the place. He looks thoroughly fucked.

“The phone number was on a little business card, but I think Curie hid it somewhere.”

I chuckle because I can definitely see her doing that. “That little shit.”

Theo pinches my nipple which only makes my dick perk up a little more.

“That’s not a punishment. It’s really more of an incentive,” I mutter, and Theo laughs a little. “But I’ll help you find it. Where do you think she put it?”

Theo squeezes me to him and then gets up, pulling on a pair of his ratty sweats and I tug on my boxers as we move around the apartment looking for the small business card. I’m about to move toward the oven to pull it out and check underneath when I decide to look under the bed and, in the corner, I see a small stash of things in a pile.

I reach under and pull out two pencils, a sock, a toy mouse, and a whiteboard marker.

“I found Curie’s stash. Think she’ll know it was me who raided it and hold it against me?”

Theo takes the card from my hand as I stand up and brush my hands clean.

“She might,” he says and then puts the card on his desk. “Thank you.”

“Sure thing,” I say and then move toward him and kiss him gently.

“How about we do a little chem review and then I’ll leave you alone.”

Theo rolls his lips between his teeth and looks everywhere but me. “Okay.”

But the way he says it, his eyes so fucking sad that I ask, “Unless you…want me to stay?”

Theo’s eyes meet mine and he glances away, nodding. “Okay.”

Oh, Jesus. Why does his acceptance of this make my heart flutter? This man is making me work for it.

And I like it.

We lower ourselves onto the bed, both of us on our stomachs as he begins to review concepts with me. He scribbles on the whiteboard a few times and I scoot as close as I can, my fingers tracing over the bumps of his spine with my finger.

“You’re so hot when you talk nerdy,” I say, tracing a line down to his ass. It’s a shame that it’s covered with clothes right now. I’d like to run my hands all over it.

He flushes and meets my stare.

“I want you to talk about covalent bonds when you’re fucking me.”

Cora Rose's Novels