Page 18 of Emery

Emery’s eyes widen a bit and he noticeably swallows, before kicking off his shoes and climbing on top of me.

A lock of his hair sweeps over and tickles my face as he lowers himself onto me. I instinctively reach up and tuck it behind his ear.

“Oh god, don’t touch me like that when I’m on top of you,” Emery mutters and then presses his lithe body against mine.

“Sorry, it’s a habit.”

“Habit for who?” he asks. “Whose hair are you tucking? You got someone back home waiting for you?”

I roll my eyes and then grasp for the zipper. “Nope. No one. Shit, I can’t reach it,” I mutter.

“Here, let me,” Emery says, and then he twists to the side, grabs onto the small metal clasp, and zips us up.

The metal teeth strain as he tugs it closed, and then we are pressed impossibly close to each other.

“Oh fuck, this is tight,” Emery says, his breath hitting my neck. “I can feel every inch of you. Goddamn.” I expected his full weight on me to be uncomfortable; I’ve never had a full-grown man lay on me before. But I realize, it’s not so bad. It’s actually kind of nice.

“Yeah,” I breathe. “Super tight.”

“Oh shit. Don’t say it like that. Makes me think of other things. Oh fuck. Now, I’m getting hard,” Emery mutters. His forehead drops onto my shoulder. “I’m sorry, August. It’s got a mind of its own. There’s no controlling it.”

I let out a nervous chuckle because, yeah, I can feel his dick hardening against me, and I don’t hate it as much as I thought I would. It’s intriguing more than anything. I can suddenly sort of see the appeal.

“That’s okay. Don’t apologize. We don’t need to stay in here right now. We just needed to make sure we could fit.”

Emery nods as I unzip the bag, and he rolls out with a wheeze.

He pushes his hair back and sighs. “I’m dreading tonight. It’s going to be a horror show.”

“It won’t be that bad.”

He presses his palm against his tented pants, and I can’tnotlook. Fuck, since when have I ever been interested in dick?

“It will be mortifying. Your worst enemy is lying on top of you with a hard dick. How are you okay with that?”

I huff out a laugh, “My worst enemy isdefinitelynot youand it’s for survival. We do what we need to do. I’m sure our parents will report us missing soon, and we’ll be back at the cabin before we know it.”

“God, I hope so. I can’t imagine staying in here for long. What are we supposed to do with all this time? I’m going to go crazy stuck in here,” Emery says, shaking out his legs. His cock is still hard, and I have to force my gaze away because now mine is lengthening in my pants.

Oh fuck, I shouldn’t have kissed him earlier and opened that can of worms.

I clear my throat and stare intently at the bag of apples. “I guess we could doze if you’re tired, or chat?”

“Yeah, or we could make out?” he asks, and I glance over at him to see he’s grinning and wagging his eyebrows at me. I can’t help but smile.

“Yeah, I guess.”

He makes the sign of the cross over his chest and looks away, muttering under his breath.

“You’re teasing. Don’t tease me. My dick can’t handle it.”

Mine can’t either apparently, and I adjust my pants. Emery’s eyes snag on the movement and I feel my cheeks redden. Because he knows. He has to. It’s obvious.

But instead of mentioning it, he says, “Um, right, okay, tell me what to do. I can do whatever.”

I clear my throat and grab onto the box of food and say, “Let’s move all this stuff up there, so we have a place to spread out, and then we should probably just hunker down.”

Emery nods, and then the two of us move the food and our duffle bags between the lowered middle seats. I grab onto the flashlight and lay it near the sleeping bag and the emergency blanket, while Emery crawls to the front seat. I can hear him shuffling around up there and then a moment later he returns with a large candy bag cradled in his hand.

Cora Rose's Novels