Page 36 of Emery

“I don’t….” his voice trails off, and I my stomach drops out.

“You know what, forget I said anything. That was crazy. No pressure. You know I’m a spaz. I just got a little excited. And I keep thinking about last night and I’m bored and anxious because there’s nothing to do out here. I’ll just go run some laps instead.”

I’m moving away from him, and he watches me go. I don’t blame him.

I should walk into the woods, never to return. The whole thing would be very gothic. I’d need to find a cape and maybe an ancient walking stick to really create the illusion.

“Em,” August says, and he’s moving toward me.

Then his hands are on my arms, and he’s holding me still.

“Maybe we can discuss this when we get back home. When we’re both thinking clearly.”

“Discuss this. You mean discuss us…having sex?”

My words come out on a wheeze because, holy hell. This is happening.It’s happening!

“I’ve never…been with a guy before, and there are complications with you…being my stepbrother. And last night was…fuck, it was good, but I think if we keep this up, this thing could go sideways.”

“I live sideways already.”

He huffs a laugh. “I know, but I don’t, and if things end badly between us….”

Yeah, I get it. Our parents are married. Things could go wrong, and it would affect more than just the two of us. But to be honest, I don’t really care. I could take or leave Thomas. He’s my dad, but not really. More like a sperm donor. I do like Lisa, though. She’s a nice lady. I mean, all you have to do is take a look at her son to know she does a good job.

A son who wants todiscusssex before having sex.

Yeah, he’s a total Boy Scout.

Maybe I’ll convince him to wear that uniform just so I can peel it off of him. Or maybe just lower the pants so I can bend him over the kitchen counter and kneel behind his beautiful round ass to slide my tongue….

“What are you thinking? You’re somewhere else.”

“Oh, you don’t want to know,” I reply with a smirk.

He steps a little closer, his breath coming out in a white huff.

“I think I do.”

“Oh, well all you need to know is that it’s filthy, and it involves you in your Scout’s uniform.”

August pulls that swollen lip between his teeth and eyes me. “Wow, you dirty fucker. I guess that could perhaps be arranged.”

“Oh, see, now, you’re teasing me. Because you say things like that, and I’m all excited about it.” I shift on my feet and pull the emergency blanket closer around me. “And now I’m just going to hyper-focus on it until you actually make good on it.”

“What helps you when you’re hyper-focused?”

“What would help right now is if I could get off.”

August looks around us and then says, “Go ahead.”

“What? Like, right here? If I pull my junk out, it will freeze like a popsicle. And, there could be bears watching us right now. They might want it as a snack.”

“Bears don’t watch people jack off. And they don’t eat dick popsicles.”

“How do you know? Hell, I’d eat a dick popsicle.”

He shakes his head at me and smiles. “Come on, weirdo. Let’s head back and play some cards. Maybe in a few hours, we can shoot off another flare.”

Cora Rose's Novels