Page 56 of Emery

He thinks he can just waltz in, completely wreck me, and get away with it. Well, if my mom taught me anything at all, it’s that revenge can be pretty fucking satisfying.

I lunge toward him before he slips through the door and wrench him back onto the bed. He falls onto it, stomach first. The bed hits the wall with athumpand I chuckle as he tries to sit up.

“What the hell, Em?” he grunts, but I straddle his narrow hips and lean down so my mouth is right near his ear.

“You’re a fucking tease. Kissing me like that and then leaving. I’ve been dying the past two days trying to keep it together. For you.”

He bucks underneath me, trying to get me off. Little does he know, I’m an excellent top. I can hold on for dear life. I lick and suck on the back of his neck and his eyes close with a low groan slipping from his mouth.

“Em, they could come up here any minute.”

“Let them,” I whisper, biting down on his earlobe and he gasps. “You’re going to tell them tomorrow anyways, right? Who cares if they find out about us a little earlier?”

August stiffens beneath me, and I grind against his ass once. Okay, maybe once more because damn, he makes me horny. I could come just like this.

“Em,” he grunts in protest and then with some kind of inhuman strength, he launches up and I’m falling hard onto the floor with anoomph.

“Shit,” August curses and squats down in front of me, his eyes wide, his hand on my face. “I’m sorry. Fuck, are you hurt?”

I swat his hand away and push myself up, rubbing my sore ass.

“It’s fine,” I mutter.

“I’m sorry. I just panicked.”

I sigh and then grab the blanket from the bed and wrap it around my shoulders.

“No big deal.”

“It is. I was too rough. Can I…” he runs a hand over his mouth. “Can I look at it? Make sure it’s not bruised.”

I try to play it off, like it’s no big deal when my eyes are stinging. Not from my busted ass but from the implied rejection. “Just admit it. You just want a look at my ass.”

“Em, this isn’t a joke.”

When I just stare at him, he rolls his eyes and then clutches onto me.

“You sure you’re okay? I never want to hurt you, Em. Never.”

“I’m fine,” I mutter and then pull away from him because the sincerity in his eyes is making me want to cry again. Goddamn, am I getting my period or some shit? Does this happen to men? I need to look it up later.

I motion toward the door. “Go on out there. I’ll be right behind you.”

August eyes me warily. “Okay. If you’re sure?”

“I’m fucking sure. Just go,” I mutter.

He nods and then he’s walking out my door. When he’s gone, I clench my fists against my eyes and try to breathe and think.

What the fuck am I doing?

* * *

My door opens later that night as I’m lying in bed, playing Candy Crush. August closes it softly behind him and locks it.

I glance at the time and realize that it’s almost midnight.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” he says.

Cora Rose's Novels