Page 75 of Emery

But it’s not.

I’m already head over heels.

Been like this for a while now.



The sun pierces my eyelids and I blink them open to find Emery wrapped around me tightly, his head on my chest, his arm around my waist, his leg over mine.

I run my hand over his hair, and he lets out a little snore.

Fuck, he’s cute.

He actually slept a full night without waking from a nightmare. I know it’s irrational, but I wonder if I’m the reason he slept so well. Maybe I can help keep the monsters at bay.

“Hey,” I whisper. “Em.”

He nestles into me closer and then turns his face, so his nose is right in my armpit. He presses further into it and inhales deeply. It tickles and I squirm a bit.

This is so weird, and yet, I’m so into it.

I’m so intohim.

“Em,” I say again and then he startles awake, sitting up so fast that he sways from dizziness.

“Wha—?” he breathes, his eyes blinking open.

“Hey, it’s just me,” I say, and Emery looks down and exhales.

“Oh, thank god,” he says and rubs the sleep from his eyes. “Wow, I actually slept last night. No dreams. Just blackness and let me tell you, I thought I had died. Like an aneurism had stolen me right from this earth in the middle of the night.”

I chuckle at him, and he presses his forehead against my chest.

“The worst part was, for a second I thought I’d missed out onus.”

I run my hand lazily up and down his solid back and he snuggles in closer to me, then peeks up at me. “Why are you up so early? The sun isn’t even fully up yet.”

“It’s out, it’s just behind some clouds. And I have to go to yoga. If I miss it, Mag will kill me.”

“Oh, that tiny dude? Doubt he could do much to you.”

“Yeah, well, he has a beast of a husband. I’m sure he’d have no issue telling Sem to smash me in with his fist. He’d do it too.”

Brown eyes meet mine and he smirks. “Well then, for safety reasons, you should go.”

“Yeah, plus my back needs it.”

His brow furrows in confusion. “Your back?”

“I was in a car crash a year and a half ago. Hit and run. Messed me up pretty bad. Yoga keeps me limber. If I don’t go, my back locks up.”

“Shit. I didn’t know.”

I shrug. “Yeah, well, we’re both learning about each other, huh?” I run my fingers over his shoulder and up his neck and his eyelids flutter. “Want to join me?”

“Do I want to—you’re crazy. Yoga is like self-inflicted torture. It looks all peaceful and serene from the outside but it’s really just people contorting themselves in ways that aren’t natural. And it hurts like a bitch.”

Cora Rose's Novels