Page 9 of Emery

His mouth is moving toward me like it’s on some kind of slow-motion reel and I am helpless to do anything but freeze up and try not to pass the fuck out from excitement.

But then his mouth brushes softly against my cheek. He pulls away and from my body’s reaction, you’d think he had kneeled and given me an earth-shattering blow job. That’s how hot I am for this.

“That was…What was th—that for?” I stutter.

He takes a step back and holds my gaze, a hand running along the back of his neck. “I want to know more. You said you’d need a kiss for information….”

I scoff, trying to act cool and rubbing my cheek with my hand. I’m not rubbing the kiss away. I’m massaging it into my skin.

“And you expect me to cough it up withthat?”

He flushes and looks down at the gum-ridden cement.Oh god, here I go. I am so shooting for the moon here.

“I’m not going to just spill my guts for a measly peck on the cheek. I need at least some tongue—”

Before I can even finish my sentence, August smashes his lips to mine so hard that my head knocks against the SUV window. A thrill shoots down my spine as he tilts his head and slides his tongue into my mouthjust once. It’s just a tease of a kiss, and then he’s pulling back.

“Better?” he rasps, his face flushed and lips still wet from mine.

“What the fuck,” I gasp, pressing my hand to my mouth. What the hell was that? God, now I have all these filthy ideas in my head because that was fucking amazing, and it only lasted a second. What could we do if we had an hour? An entire day? Fuck, I’m so gone for this dude.

He steps away, still looking entirely unfazed, like he didn’t just completely wreck me with his mouth, and I promise myself that next time––if there is a next time––I’ll run my fingers through his hair. Pull on it a little. Hopefully tug a moan from him.

The gas nozzle clicks, signaling that the tank is full, and I turn to finish up. My hands shake so hard that I can barely pull the gas nozzle out of the hole and place it back in the pump. And of course, August watches the entire thing with an apprehensive gaze.

“Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?” he asks softly.

Did he hurt…Jesus. No, he didn’t hurt me, but he did warp my brain a little more than it already is. I’m completely bent now. No going back to what we were before. No, I am forever going to remember this.

“No. Of course not. That was just…I’msurprised.”

He shuffles on his feet, and then he moves to get back in the car, and I scramble in after him. I don’t want him leaving me here.My mom did that to me once when I was a kid. Just straight up left me at a grocery store. I had to walk home…got lost and cried a little. Nope, don’t want to relive that.

It’s only when August has turned on the ignition that he asks, “So are you going to tell me something?”

“Huh?” Because I’m not even listening. I’m replaying that kiss in my head over and over. It’s a movie reel now with a sappy soundtrack. I’ve already bought the ticket and the popcorn.

“You were going to tell me something about you. You said in exchange for the kiss….”

Oh, fuck a duck, I forgot all about that.

I wave my hand around absently, not really wanting to just get on with it. “What would you like to know? Because that kiss was short, so don’t expect my entire autobiography.”

August eyes me and then huffs. “How about you tell me how you ended up in the system?”


“Oh, well, that’s alongstory. Might need a little more for that. Maybe a good faith deposit of some sort.”

He eyes my lips, and I’m thinkingfuck yes, because I could drag this little thing on fordays. Next thing you know, he’ll be spreading those lips for me while I feed him my cock.

“Just give me something,” he says. “I earned it. Went against all my good sense just to know you a little. Because you’re hard to know, Emery.”

My stomach dips at that. “Fine.Fine. Neglect. I went in for neglect.”

He sighs and then bites the inside of his cheek in thought, knowing I’m not giving up anything else without a deposit. I’m not even breathing as I wait to see what he decides. Suddenly his large hands are practically pulling me over the console, and he’s pressing his open mouth against mine, his tongue plundering and pillaging, and damn if he wasn’t a pirate in a past life. I feel positively ravished.

It’s over much too quickly and when he finally pulls away, his lips are red and swollen, and I’m trembling.

Cora Rose's Novels