Page 23 of Whit

“Good,” he says with a nod.

We stare at each other for a moment longer before not-Casper interrupts.

“My name’s Magnus.”

I narrow my eyes at him and then force myself to smile. “Magnus. Cool, nice to meet you, man.”

I reach out, and he reluctantly shakes my hand. I resist the urge to crush his nail-painted hand in mine. I could, easily. He’s much smaller than me. Smaller than Whit too. I could probably throw him out the window right now, just shot-put him right out there into the bushes.

“And you are?” I ask the two girls, forcing my gaze away from Magnus.

The girl on the right with light brown hair reaches out her hand. “Kate.” And then she nudges the girl on her right, who has freckles and bright red hair. “This is Bev. We’re on the debate team with Whit.

“Nice to meet you both. I’m Caleb. Whit’s roommate.”

“We know. We’ve heardallabout you,” Kate says, and Whit scowls at them.

I feel my chest puff up a bit, and I give into temptation and cradle the back of Whit’s neck. He’s tense at my touch.

“That so?” I squeeze.

“He won’t shut up about you,” Kate says, and Whit stands up so fast his chair topples backward onto the floor.

“I think we should go now,” he says quickly, shooting his friends a scathing look.

The girls don’t seem bothered by it, though, just shrug as he turns to walk away. Magnus, on the other hand, watches us with wide eyes.

When I don’t follow right away, Whit grabs onto my wrist and pulls me along with him.

“No shame in being obsessed with me,” I tell Whit, who just stares straight ahead, pulling me along with him, his fingers still wrapped around my naked wrist.

I like the feeling entirely too much, so I don’t try to struggle out of his hold. I just let him pull me outside the cafeteria.

When we’re safely outside, his hand flops back to his side, and when I glance over at him, his cheeks are pink.

“You’re blushing again,” I say, and Whit mutters under his breath as we walk side by side toward the parking lot.

“You giving me a ride home?” I ask when we reach his Audi.

He unlocks it with a beep and then slips inside. I do the same, and when the door closes, I run my hands across the leather interior. It looks expensive and entirely too clean.

“Nice car,” I tell him.

It sure beats my old Jeep Cherokee.

He doesn’t respond, just starts it up with a roar and then glances over at me.

“Seatbelt,” he utters, and I roll my eyes.

“Sure thing, daddy-o.”

He clears his throat, and once I’m snapped in, he peels out of the parking lot. To be honest, it’s a turn on watching him maneuver this slick car through the campus and onto the road. And when he accelerates, my dick twitches in my pants.

I’m having a serious identity crisis around this dude.

Shifting in my seat, I adjust my growing cock.

“So,” I begin because I need to fill this silence. “You talk to your friends about me?”

Cora Rose's Novels