Page 61 of Whit

“Thought you were annoyed with how clingy I am.”

“You’re not clingy.”

“I am just a bit. I warned you, though.”

“I don’t mind it.”

I hear his heart thudding in his chest, and I reach one hand up and trace the outline of his collarbone. All feels right in the world. Later I’ll dissect this moment and wonder if I made the right decision, letting him in again, but right now, all I can think about is how good this feels.

“What else did you miss?” he asks.

“You fishing for answers?” I tease.

He tugs roughly on my hair, and I bury my face farther into his neck, rubbing my nose against his earlobe.

“I think I’ll keep some secrets,” I whisper, and he shudders beneath me.

We lay like that, his hands in my hair and on my skin until my shirt is halfway up my torso.

So I sit up and pull my flannel off and then my white shirt. I drop them onto the floor, and Whit glances at the pile before moving his eyes to my bare chest.

“You looked good tonight,” Whit says as I lower myself down on top of him.

“I always look good,” I say, and Whit scoffs.

His fingers are sliding across my back again, and I’m vibrating with pleasure at the contact. How did I go a whole five days without this? How did I go my entire life without it?

“Why am I always the one naked, huh?” I ask. “When do I get to see you?”

Whit tenses beneath me, and I lift my head up, and our eyes meet. His dark eyes flash, and I tilt my head slightly.

“What are you hiding?” I whisper.

He opens his mouth and then closes it, then his eyes shut tightly.

“Hey,” I say softly, cupping his face with my hands and running my thumbs over the smooth skin of his cheeks.

His eyes flutter open, and he stares at me with something I can’t read. I can’t ever fucking read this guy.

I rub my nose against his, and he exhales shakily.

“Caleb,” he whispers, and my heart cracks a little.

My lips graze his because how can they not. When his mouth isrightthere. Those soft, plump lips just begging to be kissed.

I move my mouth against his, and his fingertips dig into my back, his hips arching slightly into mine. I’ve kissed plenty of people, but never a man.

I’m not sure that matters anymore.

I’m so far past straight that I can’t turn back now.

“Can I kiss you?” I ask, and Whit blinks up at me before he pulls my mouth down onto his in response.

Our lips collide, and he holds me there for a moment, the two of us just breathing into each other. And then our lips begin to move, sucking, licking, biting. My entire body vibrates with nervous energy because this feels so damn good. And when he opens for me, and his tongue sneaks into my mouth, I groan loudly.

Because Whit’stongue is in my fucking mouth, and he tastes like candy. Sweet and addictive. I’m having a sugar rush as he tilts his head and sweeps inside, licking slowly from one corner of my mouth to the other. He’s tasting me, feasting on me. Moaning softly as he does, like he’s never tasted anything so good. And that sound, the sound of Whit letting go, makes me go nuclear.

I run my hands through his hair and arch my hips, pressing our hard cocks against each other as I begin to rut against him.

Cora Rose's Novels