She watched him leave the table to get her a glass of water, and she saw the way all the other girls in the cafe followed him with their eyes. More and more, she could see now how gorgeous he was, but...

Sano caught her staring at him again, and Charlotte quickly turned away as she felt her cheeks turn red. Sheesh. She couldn't even remember the last time she had blushed like this. Will you please remember to act your age, Charlotte Carmichaels?

"Drink this."

She muttered her thanks as she accepted the glass of water.

Sano took the glass from her when she finished. "Better?"


He frowned. "How are you feeling?"


"It will pass."

Charlotte almost choked. "You're supposed to tell me I'm not."

"If I did that, I'd be lying."

And Land had never lied to her, ever.

"It's just so hard to make myself believe," Charlotte said jerkily.

"Why should it?" Sano asked with such calmness it almost made her feel like she really was crazy, for even daring to question him. "Didn't I promise I'd find a way to always be with you?"

Oh God.

"Do you remember, Charles? When I made that promise twenty years ago?"

Charlotte could no longer speak.

"And do you remember what I told you, when you asked me how you would know if it was really me?"

Charlotte didn't even think.

As soon as she heard Sano speak such words, she was out of the cafe in a flash, her mind and heart in so much turmoil she felt like she was one breath away from having a panic attack. She knew running away from something she felt ill-prepared to handle wasn't the most mature thing to do, but she couldn't help it.

Running away was one of her few bad habits in life, and more to the point, it only showed up where Landon - who was supposedly now back in her life as Sano - was concerned. There was just something about him that made her forget all of her common sense, and it pained her to realize that twenty years hadn't changed anything.

She knew, of course, what Landon had been talking about, and it was precisely because she remembered exactly what he had said that night which made her panic.

You'll know it's me...the moment I kiss you.

It was one of the most romantic lines her husband had ever said to her, and for someone who loved the cheesiest lines like she did, it would have been more possible for her to shed the memory of her own name than forget such lovely words. Then and now, Charlotte believed him, and that was why...

I just don't know what the right thing to do is, God.

Charlotte tried to distract herself by walking even faster, but it was no use. Even though she couldn't quite make herself admit this out loud, Charlotte knew in her heart that she already believed Sano was both himself and Landon...and had always been so. The idea might seem crazier than time travel and multiverses, but Charlotte would willingly stake her life on it. Sano was Landon. That much was clear to her now. However, it was one thing to believe, and another thing to act on such beliefs.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten all about it."

No, she absolutely had not forgotten a thing, and it was why her face was now burning in embarrassment.

"It was the only thing I looked forward to, every time I had to leave you for a job. I loved how you'd do everything just to keep me from getting out of our bed. One more kiss. Please, Land. One last f—-"

"I remember," she nearly yelled. "I totally remember everything, so can you please shut up?"

"I'd gladly do so, but..." He suddenly stopped walking, and Charlotte's steps came to an abrupt halt as well. "We're already here."