“We don’t need Draven to have a little fun,” Rao says.

Even though Draven said I would be safe as his wife, I don’t trust it. People are inherently good, unless there’s something they want more than the good running through them. Unless they want something bad enough to make them turn to the evil side.

I hear steps approaching and pray it’s Draven.

It is. My shoulders relax, and I feel the tension leave my body.

“Sorry I’m late,” he says. “I had other business to conduct.” He crosses to the glass doors leading outside and opens them. “Why don’t we head into the garden? It’s a lovely night.”

Every part of me wants to crawl away and hide. I know I need to play the part of this man’s wife, but I don’t like his friend. If you’d even call Rao his friend.

It’s all so political, and I hate it.

Draven smiles at me, nearly knocking me off my feet, and I attempt to smile back as he leads me out the back doors. Rao compliments the roses, and it all feels so fake to me. Does he really care about flowers?

I doubt it.

He didn’t come here to chat about gardening.

Why did he come here? His actions are so formal, like he’s putting on a show.

We take a seat, and Rao leans back against the Adirondack chair, smiling wide. “So, how’s the happy couple?”

“He suspects something,” Draven says in my mind.

My eyes are glued to Draven, hoping he gives me some sort of clue.

Rao and Draven speak about people I don’t know, and eventually, I tune them out.

“He thinks our wedding might be a sham,” Draven says for only me to hear.

It’s because we were married too soon. Doesn’t royalty normally have long engagements?

Rao goes on and on about a woman he knows, and I find myself staring at the chocolate cosmos, memorizing their color and style. I’m bored, and I start thinking about my schooling, about everything. If Rao suspects something isn’t quite right with our wedding, then it won’t take long until they know about my powers. I can feel my abilities strengthening every day, and I know I can’t wait around for these men to do as they wish with me. It’s all too crazy. This isn’t real life.

“I’ve brought you a present, Rao,” Draven says.

I yawn, my eyes drooping. It’s obviously fake, but I need to get out of here. “I’m getting tired. I’m going to bed,” I tell them as they speak about things I have no interest in.

Draven stands, holding out his hand to help me out of my seat. “I’ll be with you soon,” he says, kissing my knuckles.

My nipples strain against my bra in the wake of his lips brushing against my skin.

Rao makes a sound and straightens in his seat. He stares at me like I could be his next meal, and I’ve never wanted to leave a place more than I do right now.

“Night,” I say, leaving them both in the garden as I try not to look like I’m rushing back to my room.

I need to pack. I can’t stay here.

I think about calling Simon, but the thought is quickly replaced by the fact he’s Draven’s nephew, and family blood runs thick. If Draven wanted me back here, Simon would see to it I returned.

Once I’m far enough away from this castle, I’ll call Veronica to help me get home, or my mother. The thought of talking to my mother weighs heavily on me. She’s never been one for deep conversations. She’s never been there for me growing up. No, I’d rather call Veronica.

With my mind made up, I toss my things into my suitcase and sneak downstairs and out the front door, knowing the staff Draven employs are most likely occupied with tending to them in the garden or gone for the night.

Darkness provides cover as I race across the grounds and dip into the forest, hoping the road that leads down the mountain isn’t too far away. I don’t bother looking back at the castle I’m running from. There’s nothing for me there.

I run faster, escaping deep into the tall trees. After a few minutes, I worry I’m lost.