Page 28 of Quiet Confessions

Closing my legs, I sit up straight.

“Baby?” I gasp, and he nods.

“I know you’re young, but seeing my cum drip out of you last night had me picturing you pregnant, and it made me sad since that could never happen.”

I laugh, and I know it sounds hysterical. “Wow, umm, that is the last thing I expected.” I calm down and reach for him again. Pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, I touch his cheek and bring his gaze to mine.

“I love you. I’m not planning to have any babies for many years. But when I do, you can bet I’ll have a little boy with Korean features and chocolate eyes, just like his daddy.” He growls and takes my lips in a kiss so passionate I moan, opening so his tongue can tangle with mine.

His hands wrap around me, lifting me from his chair, pressing his chest to mine. I hold him as he shows me all the love he has for me, returning it tenfold. I love this man, and if he thinks I’m going to push him aside, he has another thing coming.

Chapter Twenty-Four

This girl is going to be the death of me! I am so sick of her attitude. I leave the room and call Nate. We need to have a chat about my future wife, and what she’s been up to in her spare time. He’s a mess about the wedding, and has been giving me the cold shoulder since last night. I know he’s aware that I don’t have a choice in this, but I get it. He’s hurt. But maybe knowing that his rabbit is a bit of a slut will help him move on. Find someone else to give his heart to. He deserves better.

I wait until his voicemail picks up, then hang up. I’ll try again later. Right now, I need to try and fix my relationship. I was an idiot thinking I could push Rooke away. If Patience gets to keep fucking guys on the side, then so can I. I text him, but he doesn’t answer. The message shows read, so I know that he at least saw it. I send him a few more, then head over to his football practice.

I wait for Rooke outside the locker room. I know he’s showering since practice just ended, but I need to talk to him, and apologize. He was right about everything. I do love him, and that scares the shit out of me. He’s always been open with his feelings, while I’ve always needed to hide.

“Hey,” Tyler says, giving me a fist bump as he leaves the locker room. “If you’re waiting for Rooke, he’s not here. He skipped practice today. Coach is pissed.” I groan and run my hand down my face, scratching my chin. I need to shave.

“Thanks,” I tell Tyler, then leave the building and walk to my car. I guess I need to go track down my guy. We have a lot of shit to discuss. I unlock the car and glance over my shoulder at someone laughing. Patience and Kian are walking to his car, and I get a twinge of pain in my chest at how happy she looks.

I remember when she used to look at me like that. How am I going to marry her when she can’t fucking stand me? I don’t understand why our families kept us apart all these years when they knew we would end up married. They should have done the opposite. We used to be best friends. I loved her.

She was once my everything, now it’s all just a giant clusterfuck. Kian wraps his arm over her shoulders and pulls her in for a quick hug before they go their separate ways. I don’t know how people don’t see that they are fucking. It’s so obvious.

I start my car and back out of my space, then head towards Rooke’s house. I’ve never been here, but I know his address. His dad is a bigger dick than mine, so we always hung out at my place. Not that I minded. I have a lot of great memories of our time together. I just hope that's not what it is now—only a memory. He means so much to me, and I’m a fucking asshole to make him think he doesn’t.

I pull up to a large gray house with bright red shutters and a matching door. Rooke’s Jeep is in the driveway next to his father’s cruiser. Yeah, he’s the son of a cop. Well, more like a corrupt cop. I’ve heard my father mention his dad before. He’s the guy you call when you need some evidence to disappear.

I’m so glad Rooke is nothing like him. I think he takes after his mom, but she passed away when he was five. He doesn’t talk about her much, I think it’s too painful.

I park on the road next to his mailbox and climb out. Someone is yelling from inside and I can’t tell if it’s real or a movie on TV. I reach his door and knock, but it swings open. Entering, I step on broken glass from a lamp that looks like it fell from the entry table. The shouting stops, and it’s suddenly quiet, almost eerily so.

I take a few more steps inside and almost trip over a chunk of wood. A large chair is tipped over and a coffee table is smashed too. What the hell happened? Were they robbed?

“Rooke,” I call out, but no one answers. I pull my phone from my pocket and dial his number. A ringing comes from the kitchen and someone grunts. I rush in that direction and instantly see red.

“Get the fuck off him, you bastard,” I yell, charging Rooke’s dad, knocking him to the tiled floor. Rooke gasps, taking in a much needed breath. His neck is red with the imprints from his dad’s hands.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I scream into Mr. Sanderson’s face. I can’t believe he was strangling his son. I glance over at my guy and take a breath when I see him trying to sit up. He’s okay.

“Who the hell are you?” Mr. Sanderson snaps, and I lose it. My fist hits his chin, slamming his head back on the floor, making him groan. How dare he try to take Rooke from me?! The best mother-fucking-thing in my life. I punch and punch, until his face is a bloody mess. My chest is panting, and I’m shaking with my rage.

“Cal, stop! You’ll kill him. Please, I need you!” Rooke whimpers from beside me, and I drop his semi-conscious father to the ground. He’s lucky he’s still breathing. I crawl on my knees to Rooke and lay his head on my lap. He tries to talk, but I shush him. Why did he never tell me about his dad? If I had known, I would have never let him return to this place.

“It’s okay. I’m here. Everything is going to be okay,” I coo, running my fingers through his bloody hair. He’s going to need stitches, and I wouldn’t be shocked if he has a concussion.

“Why are you here?” he croaks, blinking up at me. I shake my head and fight not to move back to that waste of space on the floor and finish the job.

“I wanted to talk. Apologize for everything I said. I do need you in my life, Rooke. You’re my best friend, and I can’t imagine a life without you in it. I love you. So much.” He sighs and a tear escapes from his blackened eye.

“I love you too, Cal,” he says, and I can’t fight it anymore. I lean down and press a soft kiss to his swollen lips. Right there, on his bloody kitchen floor, with his dad groaning beside us. I’m done fighting this. Patience will just have to deal.

I help him up from the floor, and set him on the couch, then pull my phone from my pocket. I need to call my lawyer, to get ahead of this in case Mr. Sanderson tries to press charges. I press another kiss on Rooke’s lips, then walk towards the front door. I glance back at him, he looks broken but happy.

“Pack your shit, babe. You’re coming home with me.” I shoot him a wink and he gives me a huge smile, wincing as his lip splits again.