Page 30 of Quiet Confessions

“Would you be my best man? I know it’s not the same thing, but having you standing up there with me…” I trail off and he sits up. I avoid his eyes and keep looking at the ceiling.

“I don’t know if I can do that, Cal. You’re getting married, and I like Patience. I wouldn’t be okay standing there while I picture being the one you’re marrying. And I don’t think we should sleep together anymore. I don’t want to hurt her, with you cheating on her with me.” I snort and his nostrils flare.

“Trust me, Patience James isn’t planning to be monogamous. I think she has plans to make her own harem.” I laugh and he looks at me as if I’m crazy.

“What?” he finally asks, and I tell him about Ki and Nate. “Wow, I’d never have known. So, you think you guys will…what? Have an open marriage?” I shake my head and shrug.

“No clue. We still need to have a chat. Preferably one where we don’t end up killing or fucking each other at the end.” He gives me a sad look and climbs from the bed.

“Thank you for today. I’ll think about the wedding, okay? But I think you need to ask Patience first.” He runs his fingers through his messy dirty-blond hair, and shakes his head. “I never thought I would ever be in a situation like this. I think I just need some time. I love you, but I need time.” He turns and leaves to go to his room.

I know today has been hard for him. I wish I could hold him all night, but I understand. He needs space, and I’ll give it to him, even though every bone in my body is fighting not to go after him.

Chapter Twenty-Five

“Brad asked me out!” Hana squeals, as she reaches me outside of my Intro To Business class. I give her a smile, and she hugs me so tight I squeak. “Thank you, Pay. I know you did this, and I am so grateful. He’s just so sweet and gorgeous. Oh, what am I going to wear? We have to go shopping.” She’s talking a mile a minute, and her enthusiasm is just what I need to pull me out of this funk.

“Shopping sounds great. I need to get a dress for Saturday, too.” She stops bouncing and gives me a grimace. Yeah, she’s not thrilled about the engagement party either, but I have decided to bite the bullet and try. Cal is still a dick, but Nate and Rooke have been amazing. They came over the other day and just hung out. Rooke is hilarious and super sweet. I have a feeling he and Cal are more than just friends, and honestly, I don’t care.

I have never judged someone for who they love, and I’m not going to start now. After we watched a movie, I got a phone call about us having an engagement party this weekend. Like, what the hell is the rush? I just turned eighteen. Couldn’t we wait a few years, at least finish college first?

“Yeah, I still think your family is insane to make you get married, especially to your mortal enemy,” she practically growls and I laugh.

“It’s a battle I’ve decided not to fight, Hana. I’m just going to keep living my life and Cal will need to get on board. I will not be a typical little housewife, popping out his offspring. I am going to continue to work and love who I love.” She laughs and grabs my arm, tugging me to English class. We have a paper due in a few days and I am so behind. Taking our seats, I wave at Rooke and he sits beside us.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t even notice how many classes we share. I’m awful, but I’m glad we’re friends now,” I tell him and he gives me a big smile. The cuts and bruises from football practice have started to heal and I can tell why Cal likes him. His eyes are hypnotizing, and he’s got a huge heart.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says with a shrug. The teacher enters the room and she seems fired up over something. I internally groan when she tells us that our papers are now due in two days. That’s just what I want to be doing while dealing with the engagement party. According to the wedding planner Mr. Reynolds hired, I have much to do.

Including a cake and entree tasting tomorrow after class with Cal. I just know he’s going to be so happy having to do that with me. Hopefully, we can just choose quickly. I really couldn’t care what we serve. I doubt I’ll be eating anything on Saturday anyway. I think Mr. Reynolds and my grandfather are doing this on purpose, just to get us to spend more time together.

Cal has asked me out almost every day this week, but I’m not ready for that. He needs to apologize for everything he’s done since returning home. And grovel. Oh, you can bet I’ll have him on his knees crawling to me before I give in.

* * *

“So,should I even ask about Cal? I know this wedding is a sham, but I always did think his bullying was more like foreplay for you guys,” Hana asks later, making me spit out my soda and glare at her as she laughs. We decided to take a break from dress shopping and grab something to eat. I’m about over this shopping trip.

“I can promise you, it was not foreplay,” I grumble and she keeps laughing.

“Oh, my god! You should see your face right now.” She wheezes. I roll my eyes and push my chair back, then stand. Grabbing my soda and tray, I walk them over to the trash. Hana wipes her eyes with a napkin and follows.

“One more store to check. If I don’t find what I’m looking for, I’m just going to wear jeans and a T-shirt.” Hana gasps and looks at me in horror.

“You are not wearing a T-shirt to your engagement party! We will find you something amazing, that will have your future hubby drooling. Just because this is arranged, doesn’t mean you have to be a nun for the rest of your life. The chemistry and tension between you two is…whew. It’s going to be explosive.” She fans her face and I laugh, rolling my eyes.

“You’re hilarious. Come on. I’d like to get home at a reasonable hour. I have to work later.”

We enter the final dress shop and I’m already convinced. Right there, on a mannequin, is my dress. I stop and gasp, and Hana wipes a fake tear. “It’s perfect.” I walk over to a salesperson and point to the dress. She gives me a once over and sticks up her nose.

“Trust me, honey. That’s not for you. The clearance section is in the back.” Hana starts to laugh, and I give the lady a smirk.

“Susan, is it? Can I talk to the manager or owner, please?” She gives me another sneer and goes into the back. There is another sales lady folding tops in the corner so I walk over to her. Her name is Michelle and she gives me a friendly smile.

“Can I help you find anything?” I give her a smile in return and point to the dress. “Oh that would look amazing on you, but I will let you know, it’s the most expensive thing in this store. Susan has been hoarding it all week, hoping to get the big commission for it.”

“Oh, I see. May I try it on at least? It’s so pretty.”

“Absolutely, let me just grab it for you.” She walks away and gently removes the dress from the mannequin then leads me to a dressing room. Hana walks inside with me and helps me slip it on over my underwear. I have to remove my bra, and she gasps when she sees the love bites I still have from Kian.