Page 35 of Quiet Confessions

I grab a drink off a passing waiter's tray and quickly gulp it down. “Easy,” Cal mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear and I sigh, handing him my empty glass. Nate comes up to us and kisses me on the cheek.

“You look exquisite, baby,” he says quietly, and I give him a smile. He grins back, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. I know this wedding is weighing on him, but I hope he knows how much he means to me and that there is no way in hell someone will take him from me, not now that I just got him back.

Mr. Reynolds comes our way, and I watch as Cal’s spine stiffens. He has a gorgeous redhead on his arm, and she’s tittering on about decor and entrées. He keeps nodding, but I can tell he’s not listening to a word she's saying.

“Who is that?” I ask Cal and he frowns.

“Not important. Just someone trying to leech off my dad,” he mumbles then smiles when Rooke joins us. Yeah, there is definitely something going on between them.

“Patience, my god, you look breathtaking,” Rooke says, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I take in the men around me, and I know I’m about to blush or fan my face. They are all so hot.

“Wow, you all look incredible,” I say and Nate laughs, fixing his tie. He’s removed his piercings tonight, and I find I miss them. I have always been able to tell the twins apart, that was never my issue, but seeing Nate express his differences from Cal… I’m all for it. Plus, nibbling on his lip ring when he kisses me…

Ugh, I’m getting turned on in front of all these people, who are all watching me as if I’m their favorite television show.

“How about we get some of those scallop bites?” Cal suggests and I nod. Yeah, food might be a good idea before I try to take a bite out of something—or someone— else. What can I say, I have a healthy appetite.

We reach the table set up with hors d'oeuvres and I grab a small plate, quickly filling it. Nate grabs some too, and a man I don’t know comes up to congratulate Nate and me. Cal snorts from beside me but doesn’t correct him. When the guy leaves, Nate grunts. “I should have left the piercings in.” I laugh and he gives me a real smile.

I know this is all a huge mess, but if I could get away with marrying the right twin, I would in a heartbeat.

* * *

I takeanother sip of champagne and try not to look at Nate. He’s sitting beside Cal as we talk to their uncle from Boise. He’s going on about something Cal did over the years, and I’m trying to listen, I swear, but the 'fuck me' eyes Nate keeps giving me are so distracting.

Cal leads us away from his uncle and over to someone else. I forgot his name instantly, and with the way he keeps droning on and on, I’m starting to fade.

Rooke brushes his hand along my lower back and leans down to whisper something in my ear. “Come get a bite with me. I want to talk to you about something.” I nod and take his offered hand.

“It was great to meet you, but I think I need a snack. If you’ll please excuse me,” I politely say to the older gentleman and his daughter. Cal grips my hand tight as I try to pull away.

“I’ll accompany you,” he says, before telling them goodbye as well. He pulls me over to a side door that leads to the balcony overlooking the pool. “I thought we would never get away from them,” he breathes and I laugh.

“Who were they again?” I ask, because I have met so many people in less than an hour, I think my head may explode.

“A business associate of my father, and the daughter he’s been trying to get Nate to take to dinner.” I freeze and glare at Cal. He rolls his eyes and lets my hand go, holding out both of his in front of himself, in a pacifying way.

“Chill, psycho. Nate has turned him down. He loves you, and he won’t even look at another girl. You have nothing to worry about, but I did want to talk to you.” Cal pauses as Rooke stands beside him.

I give him a smile and lean over to press a kiss onto Cal's cheek, he gasps as I move closer to his ear to whisper, “I know, Cal, and I’m fine with it. Plus, I think it’s hot.” I back away, but before he can answer, we’re interrupted again.

“There you kids are. Come, we need to have a chat,” my grandfather says, holding his arm out for me to take. I give him a small smile and accept it as he pulls me over to a small room by the kitchen. Cal follows reluctantly, leaving Rooke behind.

We get stopped a few times on the way, and when we enter the room, I’m instantly on edge. Cal’s dad is there and he looks gleeful about something. My grandfather walks over to him and they shake hands. I glance at Cal and he shrugs.

It seems he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on either. A woman bustles in with a folder, hands it to Mr. Reynolds, then scurries away.

“Well kids, I think tonight has been a huge success. We just have a few more things to go over, then you can get back to the party,” Mr. Reynolds says, then hands the folder to my grandfather. He bends over the table in the center of the room and takes his reading glasses out of his pocket so he can see.

“Ah yes, this seems to be in order. Patience, darling, come here, please,” he orders me, and I shuffle closer to see what this is all about.

“A prenup?” I ask and Cal snorts.

“Wow, rush us to get married, take over a company, and now make sure to protect your investments. Classic Father,” Cal grunts but steps closer to the table to read what I am. I’m a business major, but he’s studying law.

“I don’t understand,” I mumble. “Why is there an infidelity clause on my end, but not Cal’s?” I question, and Mr. Reynolds grunts, as if he’s holding back a laugh.

“Well, princess, we need to make sure the kids are Cal’s. You are the only one capable of getting pregnant.” I hold in my scoff and look at Cal. His eyebrows are furrowed as he continues to read. I know what he’s thinking. What about the others?