Page 39 of Quiet Confessions

Shit! I think I’m in trouble.


“Fuck, yes, that’s my girl,” Ki cheers, and I roll my eyes then toss Cal to the mat again. My chest is heaving and I’m about done. I don’t know who's winning, or if we are even keeping score at this point.

“Where did you learn to fight?” Cal pants, climbing to his feet and wrapping his arms tight across my ribs. His dick rubs my ass and I know this is turning him on as much as it is me. He seems to notice he’s grinding into me, since he pulls away and scoffs.

“Don’t get any ideas, you’re prancing around almost naked,” he grunts and I laugh. The door opens and I watch as all the guys leave us. Rooke gives me a thumbs up and I flip him off. Cal steps back and offers me his hand.

“Truce?” I snort and shake his hand. He pulls me to his chest and surprises me with a hard kiss. I groan against his mouth and he pulls back. His eyes are full of heat, but if he thinks I’m going to be fucking him, he’s crazy. He has been a total dick to me lately. I press against his sweaty chest and sit down on the mat.

He plops down next to me and sighs. I laugh and look at him. “Feel better?” He groans and shakes his head.

“Fuck, no. Now I’m all amped up and horny as hell.” I burst out in giggles and he snorts, then laughs with me.

“You two have to be careful. If your dad finds out about you guys, he could make things unbearable." I pause with a sigh, before continuing with wide eyes." Okay, how about this then? We fuck whoever we want, and don’t say shit to each other. But we have to be close by, or even in the room. I don’t care if you sleep with Rooke, just no other girls,” I say and he scoffs at that.

“I can’t fuck girls, but you can fuck other guys? How is that fair?” he asks, and I roll my eyes and sigh once more.

“As your father so delicately pointed out, girls can get pregnant, Cal. I’m on a really good birth control, but we can’t risk you knocking someone up.” He leans away and seems to really think about what I’m saying.

“This can never get out, Patience. If my father or your grandfather ever found out… they would kill them. You don’t know everything still, but they are not good men. They are dangerous, and I was hoping to leave here before they trapped me, but I guess that was too much to hope for.”

He seems tired. Like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, and I feel…sorry for him? No, that can’t be right. Cal is a dick. He doesn’t deserve my pity, or comfort.

I stretch out my legs. I should really get re-dressed and go back to the party before people start to come looking for us. They probably think we’re off fucking somewhere.

“You love him, don’t you?” I ask Cal, as he looks off into the distance. He runs his hand over the scruff on his chin and gives me one quick nod.

“I do. He’s more than just my best friend. If things were different, I may have even married him.” He laughs but it’s sad.

“I think he loves you too, for what it’s worth,” I mumble and he looks at me, nodding.

“It’s not safe for him, Patience. Until we sign that marriage license, none of us are safe.” I scooch closer to him and bump his shoulder.

“I know this situation sucks, but hey, look at the bright side, I’m a good cook, phenomenal in bed, and I have my own money,” I joke and he laughs, shaking his head.

“Is there any way I could get you to quit your job? I have a feeling it’s not going to go over well with my dad.” I gasp at such a suggestion and turn to argue with him, when I see his smile. “No, I love my job. Unless you want to be my guinea pig every night.” He gulps and looks at me with wide eyes.

“I…I’ve never done any of that before.” I crack up and he rolls his eyes when he realizes I’m kidding. “Come on, let’s get dressed and go back to the party. I think it’s time we all have a chat.” He nods and stands then offers me his hand, helping me to my feet.

“So, about this being in the room thing.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I shove his shoulder.

I quickly redress and he zips me up. “You really do look beautiful in this dress. If I admitted you took my breath away earlier, would you believe me?” I glance at him over my shoulder and wink.

“Still not fucking me, Cal. You want me in your bed, you better get on your knees and crawl for me.”

* * *

“So, what’s this about?”Nate asks me after the last person leaves the party. I grab him and Ki and head home. I really need a shower and to take these shoes off.

“Cal and I thought it was time for all of us to talk about some things. Let’s go to my room.” I slip through the open gate and take my heels off, letting the cool grass soothe my abused feet. The guys follow me as I unlock my front door and walk in.

“I’m going to change really quick,” I say, then head up the stairs. Kian follows me, and I don’t say anything when he walks into my closet and changes into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I swear we share a closet here and at his house.

Nate stands behind me and helps me with my zipper and I sigh. “I’ll be right back.” He kisses my head, then steps away and sits on my bed. I enter my bathroom and look at my tub with envy. I will be soaking in there later. Maybe Nate or Ki will join me. I change into a pair of Ki’s boxers and a tank top, then walk back to my room.

I plop on my bed and Ki grabs my foot. “Oh my god, that feels amazing,” I moan as he massages my feet. Nate laughs and scooches behind me, sitting me up, then kisses my neck as he rubs my shoulders. “I could get used to this,” I sigh. Cal and Rooke enter the room, and Rooke jumps on my bed beside Nate as Cal watches us.