Page 46 of Quiet Confessions

“I saw you last night with Patience, and I just wanted you to know that I’m okay with it. I didn’t think I would be, but seeing the two of you tangled together. Shit, I was so hard, and I got to thinking about being in the middle of you guys. I know I have a lot of groveling to do, and a ton to make up for with her, but maybe someday we could play.” I shrug and he groans. His cock is hardening and I know he’s very much on board with that scenario.

I climb from the bed and walk over to him. “I love you, and she’s going to be my wife. The fact that you like each other only makes things so much sweeter.” I give him a kiss, smack his tight ass, and walk to the shower.

* * *

“I’d liketo take you and Rooke somewhere tonight,” Patience tells me at school. Rooke comes up beside her and kisses her cheek. He looks at me and seems shocked I’m there. Wow.

“Hi, babe, sorry I thought you were Nate.” I fight not to wince at that. Damn, he has never misidentified me before.

“It’s okay. You guys seem to be closer,” I say, waving at the two of them, hoping Patience will mention last night. Rooke looks away, still unsure after our talk this morning, and Patience reaches to hold his hand.

“Yeah, we hung out last night, and got to know each other better,” she says. Rooke nods, but still won’t look my way. What is going through his head? I thought we talked about all of this. Does he not want me there when they hang out?

“So… where did you want to go later?” I ask her with a sigh and Rooke glances her way.

“We’re going somewhere tonight? I thought you had to work.” Patience squeezes his hand and laughs.

“I do, and you guys are coming with me.” I freeze at that and I know my eyes are wide right now. Rooke laughs and nods his head.

“Yes, I am so in,” he says and looks at me, finally. He’s smiling, and I know lately he’s been sad and bored, stuck at my house. Even though his dad is an ass, I think he misses him.

“I have a feeling I should be scared, but I’m marrying you, so I guess I need to learn to trust you,” I say and she laughs.

“Come on, we have Bio.” She walks off with Rooke’s hand in hers and I follow.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Can we talk?” Cal asks me as I pack up my bag and stand. Bio was long and not very exciting today, and I just want to go home. I nod and turn to leave the room, but he grabs my wrist gently and moves in front of me. I glance around and notice we’re the only two left. The professor has even gone to get lunch.

“What do you want to talk about?” He lets me go and plops back into his seat with a groan.

“I have been thinking a lot lately, and I owe you an apology. For everything. I let my father get into my head, and I followed his every law. It was wrong and I know that a stupid apology won’t make up for everything I did, but I plan to prove to you that I’m changing.” He takes a breath and I sit back down.

“I want us to be happy, Pay. I have spent so many years miserable, and I don’t want the rest of my life to continue the same way. I want to have a good marriage with you and the family we’re creating.” I grab his hand and give it a squeeze.

“I want the same thing, Cal. I know we are going to be busy at first, getting our feet wet in running the company, but I want to come home to a calm environment. I don’t want tension and hostility.” I laugh and shake my head. “I want love, and to cuddle up with someone at night. I have spent so many nights alone. I don’t want that anymore,” I say. He looks at me with understanding and I blush. “Tonight, come to the club. Prove to me that you can accept me for who I am, and maybe grovel a little.”

He nods, laughs, then stands. “Yeah, I can do that.” I give him a smile.

This is going to be fun.

* * *

I arriveat the club early to get things set up. I’m nervous and excited. I hope I don’t upset Cal or Rooke, but I want them to see what I do. Well, to an extent, since I don’t sleep with my clients. Shina laughs at me as I bounce around trying to make things perfect.

“Lucky, there are two seriously hot guys here for you,” Clover tells me and I give Shina a wink, then move out to the lobby to get them.

“Wow, this place is awesome,” Rooke says, coming over to me and kissing my cheek. Cal looks nervous, but open to trying something new. I move closer to him.

“Do you really want to make it up to me?” I ask him and he nods, looking at Rooke. I give him a smile and offer him my hand. He takes it and I say goodbye to Shina. She’s letting me use one of my favorite rooms tonight. Since Rooke and Cal aren’t clients, she won’t have any issues about what goes down tonight, and she agreed not to monitor the room.

I lead Cal to the Diamond room, and Rooke laughs when he enters. The lights are dim and I don’t think Cal has noticed what caught Rooke’s attention. His eyes are glued to mine. I can tell he’s nervous, but he’s willing to do this for me. Us. I release his hand and he takes a few steps over toward the bed I point at.

“I want you to strip naked and chain yourself to this bed while I ride Rooke’s cock in that chair right in front of you. I want you to wish it was you I was riding, and think of all the bad things you have done to me lately and how you’re going to make it up to me. And after my pussy milks every drop of your lover's cum, I’m going to sit on your face and make you eat it.”

I watch as his eyes hood with lust as he removes all his clothes, then crawls into the middle of the bed, hooking his wrist to the chain we have waiting for naughty boys that like to be tied down. He lifts a brow at me, then his other wrist in a silent request for assistance. I sashay over to him and climb onto the bed, straddling him and sitting right on his erection. He grunts as I grab his wrist tightly and chain it securely to the headboard, then climb off.

Rooke grabs me around the waist and pulls me close, kissing me. I moan as his tongue tangles with mine. “You are so hot,” he growls in my ear and kisses my jaw and neck. I smile and grip the back of his neck, gently pulling his mouth back to mine. When I take a moment to breathe, I look into his eyes.