Macauley’s throat went dry at the enticing smell of him. And you want me to keep my hands off you when you can make me feel like this.

Adres didn’t stop advancing until he was close enough to graze his fingertips across Macauley’s abs, making the muscles clench as he pushed some of his light into him. He bit his bottom lip and threw his head back, his eyes on the moon as he accepted Adres’s power inside him. Macauley’s stomach fluttered with excitement like when he was about to shift and race. He pictured himself on a tropical beach as heat broke through the chill and encompassed his spirit. Macauley pushed his own energy towards it, and the moment Adres’s light touched his, a surge of electricity shot through his veins as ecstasy exploded inside him.

They were the perfect match.

“Put your hands on me, wolf,” Adres commanded, his voice masculine and powerful

Gods, fuck, he liked the way Adres said that. His mate had lasted a grand total of ten minutes without his touch. Macauley gripped Adres around his waist and lowered his head until his mouth hovered near his ear. He slid his hand under the soft material of his hood and touched his jaw. “Say it again.”

“Macauley,” Adres warned, his voice dropping lower until it was just a breathy gust of air across his Adam’s apple. “Touch me now. Everywhere.”

Macauley’s last reserves snapped as he yanked Adres in harder, his body going pliant as he tilted his head in the opposite direction. “When I come down from that mountain in the morning, I’ll count the hours until you wake… until I make you mine.”

Adres did a terrible job of hiding how much that thought excited him. He gripped the back of Macauley’s neck and wrapped both legs around his waist. Macauley didn’t have to hold him up or even support his back as Adres ground his hard dick into his stomach.

The need throbbing between his thighs drowned out his rational thought as he slammed his mouth over Adres’s slack lips. With every flick of his tongue against his, Adres’s godlike taste saturated his rational senses. He delved for more sweet plum nectar as Adres clumsily returned his kiss.

“No,” Adres objected. “I want you now.”

And his mate had the nerve to call him insatiable. Well, Macauley wasn’t the one riding the wind and humping him like a madman. But after the spat they’d just had, Macauley was relieved that he wasn’t the only one feeling the way he did. As if there was nothing more important than them becoming one.

“Give me something, a mark, anything, for tonight.” Adres ordered and there was no way he could refuse.

Macauley nudged at Adres’s throat, licking his cool skin before he bit him hard enough over his pulse to leave a possessive purple bruise. The discoloration would heal almost instantly, but his deep-rooted tooth marks would remain a couple hours.

Adres slept like shit, and he’d woken a lot earlier than he typically did. He peeked out one side of the blackout drapes in his slumbering quarters before he reclosed them, as the sun was just setting behind the mountains. It wouldn’t be long before the pack lands were bustling with activity in preparation for the full moon. He went to the westernmost corner and slowly knelt in a meditation pose. He put his young wolf to the back of his mind and concentrated on his core, using his light to work on unlocking more of his memories.

He came out of his mediation to the sound of wolves howling in the distance. He knew Macauley was up in those freezing mountains, alone. He wondered if he was thinking of him, just as he was. Adres would think of his wolf the rest of the night… and listen for his howl.

Adres dressed and left his cabin a little after 8:00 p.m., wanting to have a conversation with Belleron before he and his mate left with the king to spread the word of his plan. He figured the best place to find him would be in Justice’s home. The air was thick with pheromones when he stepped out of his front door, and the moon was bright enough to light the entire compound. While the parents were off deep in the woods doing gods knew what with each other, the young pups were down here chasing either other around, having tussling matches, and being downright rambunctious. Adres knew the moon brought out the beast in the wolves, but this was lunacy.

A gray wolf and a taller reddish one ran up to him and brushed their flanks across his cloak before darting away. He turned around, but they’d already vanished behind a cabin. Ridiculous. Adres didn’t smile when a tawny wolf yipped in his direction, leaning on its elbows with its hindquarters wagging in the air. Adres waved at it. “Go on now. Join your friends.”