Justice was sitting on the porch steps when he smelled Ross. It was another fifteen minutes before he saw the teenage wolf bound around the clearing – looking more than doubtful on a vampire’s land – his shoulder bag draped around him. As soon as he saw Justice, he hurried over to him, brushing his flank and tail along Justice’s back and arms.

“Thanks Ross.” Justice took the bag. “Good job.”

“Of course, Alpha. I was so happy when Farica asked me to do this for you.”

“I chose you, Ross. You may only be fifteen, but you’re strong and focused and so is your animal. I knew you wouldn’t be distracted the moment you left the pack lands.” Justice continued to praise Ross’ wolf, while he stroked the soft, gray fur between his ears. After he let the young man soak up some more affection, he sent him off. “Okay. Go on home now, pup.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

The young man didn’t argue or ask to stay a bit longer, he did as he was told. Alpha Mikel was teaching his shifters right. Justice got up and went back into the house, digging through the bag to see what his sister sent. He was pulling out his second submarine sandwich loaded with meat when he heard footsteps. In seconds, the scent told him exactly who it was.

“Greetings, King’s Beloved. Is there something I can get you?”

Justice sat at the tall-top table in the eat-in kitchen staring out at the beautiful landscape in the backyard. The sun would be setting soon. “You’re up early I guess, for a vampire,” Justice added conversationally, taking a big mouthful of sandwich. Farica had at least four kinds of deli meat bulging from it and Justice sent her a huge kiss and hug in thanks. He had to recharge because he was going to need all his vigor.

The young vampire’s smile was easy and almost shy. “Pre-dusk is considered bright and early in our world. However, it’s my duty to be up to anticipate the King and his escort’s needs for the day. Yours as well. You don’t have to prepare your own—”

Justice looked up in mid-bite and smirked at the confused vampire. “Lord Chamberlain, you said?”

“Yes. Chamberlain of the Household.”

“I’m not royalty. I can take care of my own food. I’m sure you have enough on your plate,” Justice told him politely.

The young man had on dark, creased slacks and a starched black, dress shirt. Justice supposed he was like a butler and he looked damn proud of it. “I take care of King Bentley’s house needs… and personal needs now, I guess, since he sent away the Lord Steward.”

“Personal needs?” Justice scowled.

“Clothes and grooming. Nothing more.” The vampire fidgeted. “I’ve provided fresh attire for you as well. Typically, I’d lay the clothing out, but I put them at the top of the stairs on the hallway console table. Lord Protector advised me not to go into Wick’s bedroom anymore.”

“Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to be so snappy yesterday,” Justice said.

“Again, I understand. This must all be so crazy and exciting for you both. It’s been centuries since the King’s had a true Beloved.” The young man began to type something on a tablet embedded in the refrigerator door. When he opened it, the contents now visible were not what Justice saw when he looked earlier. Labeled bags of blood hung suspended from metal grates. Only blood.

“Exactly how will you prepare my food?” Justice grinned. He seemed to be doing that quite a bit. He enjoyed getting to know and understand Wick’s most trusted friends.

“Um, I’m not one hundred percent sure, King’s Belov—”

“Call me Justice, please. No need to keep saying that. I appreciate your respect, though.” Justice wiped his mouth, gulping one of his bottles of water. “Tell me. Can you prepare a rare Porterhouse with sautéed wild mushrooms?”

“I must be truthful. Hell-bloody-no.” The vampire placed the bags of blood in a kitchen appliance that already had temperature-regulated water inside. He turned back to Justice with a cute, amused smile. “But give me some time and I’m sure I’ll prepare a hunk of meat fit for a King’s Mate.”

Justice laughed heartily. He liked this guy. “And what is your name again? I’m sorry, I was a little preoccupied when we were first introduced this morning.”

“I understand. And it’s Henry.”

“I think I’ll call you that, instead of the Lord stuff, if you don’t mind. Over here the language and titles baffle us.” Justice bit half his apple. “Who knew there were still Lords, High Constables and Earl Marshals?”

Henry’s chuckle was soft. “King Bentley’s family is of the old world, so their language and customs are as well. His history can be traced back almost a thousand years ago when King Edward Bentley – Wick’s ancestor – overthrew the original vampire king, William Tunstall and his house.”