THEY DROVE TO SEAN’S HOUSE and filled him in. Michelle was surprised by what he wanted to focus on.

“Why did those punks at school say your dad was AWOL and a crook?” he asked.

Tyler stared at him angrily. “My dad is not—”

Sean cut him off. “I didn’t say he was. That’s not my point. What I’m asking is where did they get that idea?”

Tyler now looked puzzled. “One of them said his dad told him. And his dad is in the Army. That I know for a fact. He’s a lieutenant colonel.”

Michelle said, “Or they might have made it all up just to harass you, Tyler.”

“No,” said Tyler. “Those jerks don’t have that much imagination.” He paused and added, “If he heard it from his dad and his dad’s in the Army, I guess it might have come from there.”

Sean shook his head. “I don’t think so. The Army has put the kibosh on this whole thing. They’re coming down like an Abrams tank on us and we’re not even in uniform. I don’t see them letting the rank and file flap their mouths. Actually, I don’t see the rank and file even being in the loop on this.”

Sean pulled out his laptop and started clicking keys. He looked at the results, clicked some more keys, and then nodded.

“I Googled your dad’s name. And this came up. There’s a leak,” he said. He spun the computer around so they could see.

He continued, “Not the mainstream media yet, but there are three articles dealing with this. They’re actually the same article just repeated in strings. Meaning other online media outlets are picking it up now.”

Tyler and Michelle read the pages on the screen.

Tyler said, “Shit, they know that Jean is missing too. How did they find that out?”

Sean replied, “Maybe because the source behind this story was the one who made her disappear.”

After they were finished Michelle sat back and summarized the articles. “So, missing money. Unauthorized money. And a missing soldier named Sam Wingo smack in the middle of it. The White House refuses to comment as does the Pentagon, which means everyone will assume they’re covering it up. So that’s obviously what the punk’s dad was referring to. He’d read this article.”

“Right. But who the hell was the source?” asked Sean.

Michelle eyed the byline of the first article. “If this was the original that the other outlets just copied, it was George Carlton. He has a blog devoted to military and political matters.” Michelle looked at Sean. “You know of him?”

“No. I’m not much into the blogging world, but I wonder if Mr. Carlton has received a visit from DoD?”

“He’s local. Bio says he lives and works in Reston, so maybe he has. But they surely wouldn’t have wanted him to write this.”

“Not saying they would. I meant after the fact, to find out his source.” He read over the article again. “The White House refuses comment. I wonder why they were even asked?”

“The White House?” said Tyler. “What does that place have to do with my dad?”

“That’s for someone else to know and for us to find out,” observed Michelle. She glanced at Sean. “You think we should check out this blogger?”

“After this story he might be lying low.”

“How low? Like in a grave low?” asked Michelle.

“Shit,” exclaimed Tyler. They both looked at him. “Are you guys being serious?” he asked.

“Serious about what? How dangerous this is?” said Sean sternly. “Then yeah, we are serious as shit.”

“What about Tyler’s dad contacting him?” asked Michelle.

“Next point on my to-discuss list,” said Sean. “Does he want to set up a meeting?”