“He saved my life,” Michelle said quietly.

Sean shot her a glance. “Who did?”

“Sam Wingo. One of the guys after us got a sight line on me from a tree with a sniper rifle. Wingo got the kill shot on him before he could take me out.”

“Well, maybe he is on the right side after all.”

She glanced at him. “What about the guy back by the truck? What happened?”

“I figured they followed one of us here. Either us or Tyler. I didn’t think they would have gotten a lead on Wingo that fast. I assumed they’d station someone at the vehicle in case we got back to it. I took him out before he could take me out.”

“I didn’t hear a shot.”

“That’s because I hit him in the head with a rock.”

“You got close enough to do that?”

“No, I hit him from about thirty feet away.”

“With a rock?” she said in amazement.

“I never told you I was a pitcher in college?”

“No, you never did, Sean.”

“Well, it was good to see I still had some stuff.”

“What do we do now?”

“Our problem is I think they followed us to get to Wingo.”

“You think he thinks we did it on purpose?” she asked.

“No. Not with the other guy drawing down on you. And I heard other shots.”

“I got two of them. Non-kills, but they’ll be out of action for a while.”

“Then Wingo must know we were ambushed too,” Sean replied.

“Which still doesn’t answer my question. What now?”

“We need to hook back up with Wingo and Tyler. He’s the only path forward that I can see. Otherwise we’ll keep going around in circles until one bullet or bomb doesn’t miss.”

“So how do we ‘hook back up’ with them?”

“You ask a lot of questions. Want to give some answers a try on your own?” he said grumpily.

“Well, we know what Wingo currently looks like. He changed his appearance quite a bit.”


“If we can get ahold of some footage at the airports we might get a line on how he got back in the country. He had to come by plane. Ocean freighter would’ve taken a lot longer.”

“Good idea.”

“Thanks,” she said curtly. “I have one a year.”

“So do we go to McKinney or Littlefield with the request?”