“I’m sorry, Tyler. I’m sorry for all of this. Everything I’ve put you through.”

“I’m… I’m just glad you’re alive, Dad.”

Wingo wrapped his arms around Tyler, and they sat there swaying a bit. When Wingo drew back, he took a deep breath and began speaking.

“First, I know all the stuff you’ve heard on the news. I didn’t steal the money. And I’m not a traitor to my country. I was set up.”

“I know that, Dad. I never thought you did any of that stuff.”

“I’m going to find out who did set me up, though.”

“I know you will.”

They grew silent, each staring at the other intently.

Wingo finally rose and paced the small room.

Tyler looked around the space. “Are we going to stay here? I mean, I’ve got school and a swim meet coming up”

Wingo stopped pacing and looked over at him.

“We can’t stay here, no. And as for school and swimming.…” He started pacing again.

“What about Jean?” asked Tyler.

His father sat down in the chair. “What about her?”

“Who was she?”

Wingo looked markedly uncomfortable by this question.

Tyler hurried on, “See, I heard she was a plant. That you thought she was working with you. But maybe she was really working for someone else. Like a spy.”

“Who told you that?”

“Sean and Michelle.”

“King and Maxwell, the PIs?”

“Yeah. Is it true? Was she a plant?”

“It’s complicated, Tyler.”

Now Tyler frowned and sat up straighter on the bed. “No, it’s not, Dad. Either she was or she wasn’t.”

Wingo pressed his palms against his thighs. “Jean was assigned to stay with you while I was away.”

“Assigned to stay with me? Were you two even married?”

Wingo shook his head. “No. It wasn’t like that. It was just her mission. Her job was to be with you while I was gone.”

Tyler looked dully at him. “So Mom was replaced with somebody who was doing a job?”

Wingo flushed. “It wasn’t like that at all, son.”

“And you kept all of this from me? Your son? For almost a whole year? I couldn’t know about any of it?”

“It was classified, Tyler. I couldn’t tell anyone not in the loop.”