“I think you’ll need it more than me, pal,” said Carlton before he hurriedly disappeared into the crowds at Dulles.

As they drove off Michelle said, “Think Edgar can trace the email back to the source?”

“If anyone can, he can. The IP address and all the other junk that I don’t understand will be on the email trail. Whoever sent it will have done all they can to shut off the route, but Edgar may find something.”

“Find someone, you mean.”

Sean glanced at her. “That trip to New Zealand is looking better and better.”

“Yes it is,” said Michelle as they drove on.

Sean’s phone buzzed. He answered it, listened, said thank you, and then turned the car in the other direction.

“What’s up?” asked Michelle as he punched the gas.

“Dana’s awake and wants to see me.”

“I’m surprised the hospital would notify you. You’re not family.”

“That wasn’t the hospital. It was her husband, General Curtis Brown. And he also wants to talk to us.”



CURTIS BROWN, DANA’S TWO-STAR HUSBAND, stood in the corner of the room with Michelle while Sean sat next to the bed and spoke to Dana. She was groggy, in pain but alive. She even managed to smile a few times, though she winced each time she did.

“Should have listened to you, Sean,” she said slowly. “Should have just left the mall.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Old habits die hard, I guess. Didn’t want you to get hurt. But you look okay. And Michelle?”

“Standing right over there with the general, fit as a fiddle.”

“I’m glad. I’m so glad,” she said breathlessly.

“You should rest.”

She gripped his hand more tightly. “Those men?”

“Taken care of.”

“Have you figured out what is happening yet?”

“Getting closer every minute,” he lied. He glanced at Brown. “I know your hubby has been here every second. I think you got the marriage thing right this time. You guys were definitely meant to be together.”

She smiled while Brown looked down, embarrassed. Michelle patted him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring look.

Dana said, “I feel okay, just so tired.”

“That’s the morphine drip. Enjoy it while you can.”

Her eyes closed and her hand slipped away as she fell back asleep.

Sean rose and went over to Brown and Michelle.

Brown said, “The doctors said it’ll take time but she should make a nearly complete recovery.”