“I don’t know,” replied Sean.

Wingo said, “So what do we do in the meantime? Just sit around and wait for something to happen?”

Michelle answered. “Personally, I don’t like to wait.”

“She’s more of a kick-ass-and-take-responsibility-later sort of gal,” elaborated Sean, drawing a scathing look from his partner.

Wingo eyed Michelle with admiration. “I kind of like that in a person.”

She smiled. “And thanks for saving my butt back at our first meeting. Never saw the guy in the tree.”

“You had your hands full,” said Wingo. “And the way I see it you saved my ass too.”

“We can pat each other on the back later,” said Sean. “I’m thinking of a plan to flush Grant out and see if he’s up to what I think he is.”

Wingo’s phone buzzed.

“It’s from Tyler.”

He looked down at the message. “Oh, shit.”

“What is it?” asked Sean.

Wingo didn’t answer. He sent a text back and then punched in a number. “Come on, come on, answer the damn phone.”

It went to voice mail. Wingo said, “You stick tight and we’ll be on our way. Do not do anything or go anywhere, okay? Do you hear me? Do not go anywhere.”

He put his phone away and looked up.

“What is it?” asked Sean.

“Kathy Burnett called him. She said she needed to see him right away at Tysons mall.”

“Why?” asked Michelle.

“She said the CIA has been to see her. And they want me to come in and talk to them.”

“How did they key on Kathy?” asked Michelle.

“I don’t know.”

“And it’s probably not the CIA,” said Sean.

“No, it’s probably not.”

“But you said she called him and presumably talked to him. Did she sound coerced? Scared?”

“He didn’t say in the text.”

“You think he’s already headed out to meet her?” asked Sean.

Wingo calmed and stared over at Sean. “Yeah, I’m really afraid he has.” He looked down at the text. “Damn, it didn’t go through. It’s still sending. Useless piece of crap.”

Michelle said, “We’ve found the area around here bad for electronic signals too.”

“But you left a voice message,” said Sean.

“Tyler never turns his ringer on. He may not know I’ve even called.”