She accessed that and read down the page.

“Well?” said Sean expectantly.

“Former military. West Point. Hundred and First Airborne. He’s now president and CEO of Heron Air Service. Single. No kids. Has a commercial pilot’s license. He belongs to a number of industry trade groups. Spent time in the Middle East, presumably during combat tours.”

“Alan Grant is also former military. I wonder if he was in the Hundred and First?”

Michelle hit more keys and found that Grant also had a LinkedIn page. “Nope. Grant was infantry. But soldiers in the air and soldiers on the ground could still know each other. It’s still the Army.”

“True. Okay, he’s turning.”

Sean hooked the same left as Jenkins had.

Michelle looked around. “I think he’s heading home, Sean. The address in his DMV file is right around here.”

“I’ll pull off the tail and come back around, then, so he won’t get suspicious.”

Sean backtracked to the address in the DMV file and got there in time to see Jenkins’s car pull into the garage of a fairly new home with older houses on either side.

They passed by and kept going.

“What did we learn from that?” asked Michelle. “Besides Jenkins’s identity, background, and where he lives?”

“He was in South’s neighborhood.”

“But he didn’t go to see South. He drove right by it.”

“That is a puzzler. Maybe he was just keeping eyes on it.”

“Maybe,” said Michelle doubtfully.

“Yeah, I don’t believe that either,” said Sean, noting her dubious look.

“But we know there’s a connection between Jenkins and Vista and presumably Alan Grant. They’re both former military.”

“And Wingo identified Jenkins as one of the guys in Afghanistan who took the euros from him.”

“And a Heron Air Service plane might have brought that cash back here.”

“Not sure. I guess one of their bigger jets could carry over two tons’ worth of cash. You think the whole company is in on it?”

“Jenkins is the top guy. He could have flown the sucker in himself. He has his pilot’s license. And what better way to get something like that through customs? The guy probably knows a million ways to hide stuff coming in.”

“But this is getting us no closer to finding Tyler and Kathy.”

Sean said, “It’s a mosaic. We have to find all the pieces and then we can see the whole picture.”

“I’m not sure we have time to find all the mosaic tiles, Sean.”

“Do we sit on Jenkins all night and see where he goes tomorrow? He might lead us to the kids.”

“Or it might be a big waste of time.”

He glanced at her. “You got another idea?”

She sighed and shook her head. “No. There’s an all-night Dunkin’ Donuts two blocks over. I can run and get us some coffee and food while you stay here and keep eyes on Jenkins.”

“Okay,” Sean said absently.