“Let me tell you what I do know. If we don’t stop he’s dead. If we do stand down, he might have a chance.”

“You don’t really believe that,” said Sean.

“Don’t tell me what I believe or don’t believe,” barked Wingo. “I am not going to let you give my son a death sentence.”

She said, “You already have, Sam, by doing what you’re doing.”

“We have leads,” added Sean. “Good ones. We’re getting closer.”

“You can say whatever you want to say. I have to think of my son.”

“And you don’t think we are?” said Sean. “The only reason we took this case was because of your son.”

Wingo glanced down for a moment. “Look, I’m not blaming you, okay? I know you’re trying to help. It’s just that I’m caught between a rock and a hard place.”

Michelle said, “Well, you made that situation. Not us. And certainly not Tyler. It was your choice to take this mission.”

Wingo’s features hardened. “You think I don’t know that? I’ve regretted that decision from the instant I made it.”

Sean sat on the edge of the bed. “So the answer is to just sit here and wait and hope these people who have already killed will let your son free? Is that your strategy?”

Wingo sat down heavily in a chair against the wall, but kept his gun on them.

“What choice do I really have?”

“What say we turn the tables on them.”


“We’re sure Alan Grant is connected to this.”

“Okay, how does that help?”

“He has a family too.”


Sean stared at him. “You’ve been pushed against the wall. You have no other way out. You’re a desperate man.”

“I’m not following you.”

“He’s threatened to kill your son.”

“Yeah he has,” snapped Wingo. “But what do I do about it?”

Sean said, “I’m tired of always reacting to these assholes. Let’s go on the offensive.”

“How?” asked Michelle.

Sean said, “Sam can threaten to kill Grant’s family.”

Michelle froze. Wingo looked confused.

“He’ll never believe that I would do that.”

“Are you desperate?”

“Of course I am.”