“What is it?” Michelle asked. “Please don’t tell me the Pentagon came and arrested Edgar.”

“No, they didn’t.”

“Then what?”

“He accepted our job offer.”

“What?” she exclaimed.

“Correction, to be precise he said he’s ‘accepting the job offer from Ms. Maxwell.’ ”

“That wasn’t a job offer. That was a joke. You know that.”

“Well, apparently he doesn’t. He already gave Peter Bunting and the U.S. government his notice and he’ll be at our office tomorrow to start work. Predictably, they were not happy with his decision since he’s like the best intelligence analyst on the planet. And they will definitely not be happy with us. I think I see tax audits, congressional investigations, and random FBI wiretaps for the rest of our lives.”

“Oh my God,” Michelle said hopelessly.

“Yeah,” said Sean, with a long sigh.

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