“Very becoming.”

“Very understated compliment, thanks.”

“How is the general?”

“Piling up the air miles and working longer hours than I would like.”

“Nature of the beast. You want a drink?”

“Your memory is failing if you even have to ask.”

Sean motioned for the waitress, who came and took their drink orders.

Sean ordered a Bombay Sapphire and tonic; Dana, Johnnie Walker Black solo on the rocks.

“That’ll put hair on your chest,” said Sean after the waitress left.

“Would you like to see for yourself?”

He sat back. “Ever the flirt.”


wrong with that. It brings me joy.”

“But you go home to the general every night, of course.”

“I would, except he’s not there most nights. The military is like bigamy on a massive scale. Curtis is married to me and the DoD.”

“So why did you marry him?”

“Because he comes from a prominent family and has a trust fund that helps support us. We live in a beautiful home complete with a housekeeper. I drive an SL550 Roadster. I travel where I want when I want. We’re invited to great parties and I get to meet the most interesting and influential people. And he loves me.”

“I note that you put the love part at the end.”

“I like to prioritize.”

“I can see that.”

“So what have you been doing with yourself? Still a private detective with what’s-her-name?”

“Her name would be Michelle Maxwell.”

“Right. I read about some case you were involved in recently. She almost got killed, didn’t she?”

“She’s very much alive and fully healed.”

“What a relief,” she said casually.

Sean gritted his teeth and said nothing.

When their drinks came he took a sip of his. She took a longer pull of hers.

“I thought you would go for the Gold Label. It’s even more expensive,” he said.

She put her glass down and licked her lips. “At a base level I’m a simple girl. I have my desires, and not all of them are expensive. In fact, some of the best are free.”

“Nothing is really free.”