“Pity we can’t get to them and ask them,” said Michelle.

“I guess it would behoove us to find out when his unit’s coming back stateside.”

“Do you think Dana could wheedle that out of her hubby?”

Sean nodded. “Soldiers are made of strong stuff. But Dana has a way of making men talk.”

“Really?” said Michelle, but her features were clearly annoyed.

Sean didn’t see this warning sign. He gazed at the ceiling, a smile playing off his lips. “She came into the restaurant dressed in a miniskirt, fishnets, and stilettos, with her cleavage spilling out and this really hip blonde hairdo. I have to admit, she looked great. I thought every guy in the restaurant was going to fall out of his chair. One old guy almost choked when she talked about being sexually insatiable.”

“Every guy?” said Michelle, a definite hard edge to her words.

Sean looked at her, suddenly taken aback. “No, of course not every guy.”

“Sexually insatiable? How the hell did that come up in the conversation?”

Sean sputtered, “We were just… I mean, we were just talking… about what went wrong between us, and I—”

Michelle rose. “I’m beat. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

She headed for the door.

“Michelle, you’re being silly,” he called after her.

“Great, Sean, just what a woman wants to hear.”

She slammed the door behind her.



WHEN MICHELLE CAME OUT OF HER APARTMENT the next morning it was early, the sun barely up.

Yet there he was.

Sean was standing next to his Lexus, two cups of coffee in hand. He was shivering with the chill in the air.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

“To beg forgiveness for being a total ass last night.” He held up the coffee. “It’s not much, but it is hot. I timed your appearance just right. You are definitely not one to linger in bed.”

She stared at him for a few uncomfortable seconds, then walked over and snagged the Styrofoam cup.

“I am sorry,” he said quietly.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. We’re business partners. What you fantasize about in your spare time is entirely up to you.”

“I don’t fantasize about her. Don’t forget, I only looked her up because you asked me to.”

Michelle’s anger faded with this statement. She took a drink of her coffee and just stared at the pavement.

“Look, Michelle, Dana is happily married. I know it sounds incredible, but she really cares for her general. She went on and on about him.”

“And you?”

“I’m really happy she loves the general.”