“To what exactly you two are involved in.”

“We already told you that, Agent McKinney,” said Michelle in exasperation. “This all started with Sam Wingo disappearing and then coming back from the dead.”

“Back from the dead?” said McKinney.

Sean looked down at him. “Why were you called in on this to shake us down? Who made the call?”

“I’m not going to answer that.”

“Well, you should at least try to answer it for yourself. Any IDs on the dead guys?”

“Part of an ongoing investigation and thus not any of your business.”

“They looked like military but they had no ID,” said Sean.

“Military like Wingo?” asked McKinney curiously.

“Who wasn’t really in the reserves at all.”

“How do you know that?”

“That’s confidential and I keep confidences. So, did some higher-ups at the Pentagon sic you on us?”

“That is no concern of yours.”

“Oh, it’s very mu

ch a matter of concern for me. Those men were going to kill us, Agent McKinney. And they almost did kill someone I care about. I always take things like that very personally.”

McKinney grabbed Sean’s arm. “If you keep this up, I will have your ass arrested.”

Sean pulled McKinney’s hand off. “And if you keep stomping on my constitutional rights I will have a field day with you and DHS both in court and in the press.”

Sean rubbed a trickle of blood off his face and started for the door.

Michelle glanced at McKinney. “You really are a piece of work.”

McKinney ignored this and said, “Hey, King. What’s next for you? Getting the kid shot?”

Sean kept walking.

Michelle followed and slammed the door behind her.



SEAN SAT IN THE truck, Michelle next to him. They were in the hospital parking lot. Sean hadn’t yet started the vehicle.

Michelle said, “Just take deep breaths. And we need to get some ice for your face before it gets really swollen.”

“This was my fault, you know that, right?” He kept staring straight out the windshield.

“No, I don’t know that. I think it was the fault of the prick who shot her.”

“She never would have been involved in this except for me, Michelle.”

“Actually, I think I was the one who forced you into calling her. So if you want to place blame, lay it on me. But this kind of talk isn’t getting us anywhere. If you really want to make it up to Dana, then I say we need to get to the bottom of what’s going on.”