“Unpredictable,” answered Paul.

“And after that?” said Michelle.

“The real work begins,” she said cryptically.

A moment later she and Bunting were gone.

Twenty minutes after that, two state trooper cruisers slid to a stop outside the cottage. Sean and Michelle heard running feet. A few seconds later two troopers appeared in the doorway. Their gazes swung around the room before settling on Sean and Michelle and then, inevitably, on Dobkin’s body. They moved forward slowly. Sean recognized them from the Bergin crime scene. He assumed they were good friends of Eric Dobkin. The troopers in this area were probably all close friends.

Another car pulled up outside and a moment later Colonel Mayhew and another trooper came inside.

They all stood around Dobkin’s body, staring down at it.

Mayhew finally eyed Sean and Michelle.

“What the hell happened?” he said, his voice low but full of raw emotion.

They both took turns explaining, leaving out the details concerning Peter Bunting and Kelly Paul.

Sean concluded, “Bottom line was we asked Eric to watch Megan Riley for us. We were worried about her after what happened to Bergin.”

“And where were you two when all of this happened?” asked Mayhew.

“Portland, running down a lead,” answered Michelle.

Mayhew drew a deep breath and said sharply, “Eric is a state trooper. Was a state trooper. You shouldn’t have been asking him to perform bodyguard services for you. That was not his job.”

“You’re right,” agreed Sean. “We never intended for this to happen.”

“You certainly should have known it might happen,” retorted Mayhew. “If you thought Riley was in danger then you had to assume that someone might try and harm her. Which would put Eric in danger.”

“We feel as bad as anyone about this,” said Sean.

“I doubt that,” barked Mayhew. “You certainly won’t feel as bad as Sally Dobkin when she finds out she’s a widow.”

Sean looked down.

Michelle said, “Colonel Mayhew, we needed help. Eric was a first-rate man. That’s why we asked him for assistance. But we didn’t force him to do it. He wanted to help us. He wanted to get to the truth too.”

Mayhew didn’t look satisfied by this but he broke off gazing at her and looked around. “Any idea who did this?”

Sean and Michelle exchanged a quick glance. They had discussed and decided how they were going to answer this question.

“We don’t have the person’s identity, but we have to assume it’s the same person who killed Bergin,” said Sean.

Mayhew looked at the bloody sweater. “And your call to the dispatcher said that Megan Riley is missing?”

“She must’ve been the target.”

Mayhew said absently, “The forensic team is on its way.”

“Okay,” said Sean. “We’re prepared to help in any way we can.”

“It’s been a long time since we lost anyone,” said Mayhew. “And never under my watch.”

“We understand,” said Michelle.

“I have to go tell Sally,” Mayhew said, his voice hoarse.