Sean let out a long sigh. “I’m just talking and not making much sense.” He looked over at the man coming toward them. “This day just keeps getting better and better.”

Michelle glanced over in time to see Agent Waters striding toward them.

“I thought I asked you two not to leave town,” he said sharply.

“No, I think you said you wanted us to be available for further questioning,” Michelle said back. “Well, here we are. All available and everything.”

“Where have you been?” he demanded.


“What’s in Tennessee?” he said angrily. “Some lead you’re not sharing?”

“No. We were at another funeral.”


“My mother’s.”

Waters eyed her closely, perhaps trying to gauge if Michelle was pulling his chain or not. He apparently came away satisfied because he said, “I’m sorry. Was it unexpected?”

“Murder usually is,” Michelle said before walking on toward the row of parked cars.

Waters shot a glance at Sean. “Is she on the level?”

“Afraid so.”


“Did you need us for anything?”

“No. I mean not right now.”

“Good. See you around.”

He caught up to Michelle and they were about to climb in her SUV when they heard someone behind them. And the person was out of breath.

Tuck Dutton looked like he’d just run a mile. His face was flushed and his chest was heaving.

“Tuck, what the hell is it?” Sean asked, grabbing hold of his arm. “Come on, man, you just got out of the hospital. You shouldn’t be running sprints.”

Tuck sucked in a breath, put a steadying hand against the SUV, and nodded toward the presidential limo. Jane Cox was just climbing in it, along with her husband, while agents hovered around them.

“The guy I saw with Pam,” he said breathlessly.

“What about him?” Michelle asked.

“He’s here.”

“What? Where?” Sean snapped, looking around.

“Right over there.”

Tuck pointed toward the limo.

“Which one?”

“The big guy right at the president’s elbow.”