“We have to get there”—Cox checked his watch—“in exactly four hours and seven minutes.”

“I had a C-130 fly ahead of us with two choppers on it. It’ll take a little bit of time to get the choppers out and be ready to go.”

“You have the timetable. And we cannot miss that deadline.”

“Sir, if you could just fill me in on what’s going on? I know the director has spoken with you and he supports my position, but—”

Cox pointed a finger at him. “The director serves at my pleasure. I can replace him tomorrow. And I will if I get any more flack from him. I want you to just do what you’re told. I am the commander in chief. If you won’t do it, then I’ll get the damn Army to take over. They won’t question my authority.”

Foster stood very straight. “Mr. President, by federal law we provide your principal protection.” He glanced at Jane. “Both your protection. What is going on right now is completely unprecedented and potentially very dangerous. We’ve had no opportunity to check out where we’re going. No recon, no threat assessment, no—”

“Look, Larry,” Cox said in a calmer tone. “I know this is all screwed up. I don’t want to be doing this either.” He motioned in the direction of his wife. “She doesn’t want to be here either. But here we are.”

“Does this have to do with your niece?” Larry was asking this of Jane Cox. “If so, I think at the very least the FBI should be informed of what we’re doing.”

“We can’t do that.”


Cox put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I trust you to protect us, Larry. You’ll have time to check things out, as much time as I can give you. I’m not foolhardy. I’m not going to walk into something that will get me killed, much less my wife. It’ll be okay.”

Foster said slowly, “All right, sir, but if things look out of whack,

I’m pulling the plug. I can exercise that authority, sir. I have it by federal statute.”

“Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”

After Foster left Jane said, “What if Larry won’t let you do what you need to do?”

“That’s not going to happen, Jane.”

“Why not?”

“I’m still the president. And besides, I’ve led a charmed life. And my luck has not run out. Not yet.”

Jane looked away. “Don’t be too sure,” she said.

He glared at her. “Whose side are you on, anyway?”

“I’ve been thinking about that all night now. And I haven’t reached a decision yet.”

She left the cabin.

The president sat behind the desk and prayed that he could hold on just one more time.


ARE YOU RUTH ANN?” asked Michelle, her eyes now on the woman and not the weapon.

“How you know my name?”

“Momma, they’re with the government. They’re here about Mr. Sam.”

“You be quiet’bout Mr. Sam, boy.”

“Ruth Ann,” said Sean, “we don’t want anyone to get hurt, but we think this Mr. Sam has kidnapped a little girl named Willa Dutton.”

“No he ain’t!” Her finger tightened on the trigger.