“You’re really going to regret this, King,” barked Waters.

“I’ve regretted a lot of things in my life. And yet here I am.”

He pushed past them and Michelle followed. She made sure to let her elbow impact with Waters’s shoulder.

When they got back to Michelle’s SUV she said, “I was really proud of you back there.”

“Don’t be. We just made enemies of two of the most powerful agencies in the world.”

“Go big or go home.”

“I’m serious, Michelle.”

She put the SUV in gear. “So that just means we have to solve this thing fast.”

“You really think that’s even remotely possible?”

“We’ve cracked tough stuff before.”

“Yeah, and none of it happened fast.”

“Allow me to be cautiously pessimistic. Where to first? Tuck?”

“No, the kids.”

As they drove along she said, “And what did you think of Jane Cox’s story?”

“It seemed pretty straightforward.”

“Oh, you think so?”

“And you didn’t?”

“You never did tell me how you know the lady.”

“How does anyone really know anyone else?”

“Cut the existential crap. I want to know how you know her.”

“Why does that matter?”

“It matters because if your judgment is clouded—”

“Who the hell says my judgment is clouded?”

“Come on, I saw how she put her hand on top of yours. Did you two have an affair or something?”

“You think I was banging the president of the United States’ wife? Give me a freaking break!”

“Maybe she wasn’t the First Lady when you knew her,” Michelle said calmly. “But I don’t know that because you refuse to tell me, your partner , anything about it. Talk about a one-way street. I’ve bared my guts to you, I expect a little reciprocity.”

“Okay, okay.” He fell silent and looked out the window.

“Okay, what?”

r /> “I did not have an affair with Jane Cox.”

“Did you want to?”