“That’s right. We’re a subcontractor on the bid. But if we win it, it’ll be huge for us. Several years’ worth of business. Tuck was devoting a lot of time to it. As we all were.”

“And that’s why he was down in Jacksonville on the day it happened?”

“That’s… right,” Hilal said hesitantly.

Michelle added, “Well, was it or wasn’t it?”

Hilal looked uncomfortable. “This is really Tuck’s company. I’m only his partner.”

“We’re working with Tuck,” said Sean. “We just want the truth to come out. And we want to find out who killed Pam Dutton. And we want to find Willa. I assume Tuck wants that too.”

“This is awkward,” said Hilal. “I mean, it’s not really my place.”

Michelle leaned forward and tapped her finger on the man’s desk. “We’re talking about a little girl’s life.”

Hilal slumped back in his chair. “Okay, I think Tuck was down in Jacksonville with someone.”

“Someone? He said he was down there at the office the company maintains to work on the project. Is that not right?”

“No, we do have an office there. It’s staffed with only one person, though. A woman.”

Sean and Michelle exchanged glances. “This woman have a name?” he asked.

“Cassandra. Cassandra Mallory. She was working on the proposal. We hired her about six months ago. She has incredible contacts at DHS. Lots of people wanted her.”

“Because she could help get them business?”

“Government agencies are like anything else. Winning contracts is built on relationships and trust. The Feds like comfort and familiarity. Cassandra being part of our proposal would help us immeasurably.”

“And Tuck was down there with her. Are you saying in something other than a professional way?”

“She’s a very attractive woman. Very bright. Blonde, nice tan, favors short skirts,” Hilal added in an embarrassed tone. “She and Tuck really hit it off. Her expertise wasn’t on the technical side, it was in sales. And the lady could sell. Pretty much anything.”

Sean leaned forward. “Was Tuck having an affair with this woman?”

“If you’re asking if I have any proof, I don’t. It’s just little things. Like him going down there so often. Things I’ve heard.”

“So nothing concrete?” asked Michelle.

“There were some credit card charges that came through about a month ago. I’m sort of the unofficial CFO here. I review the bills, sign the checks.”

“What were the charges?”

“It was just something weird about Tuck’s expenses down there.”

“Some flowers, candy, or lingerie for sexy Cassandra?” Michelle asked.

“No, you misunderstand me. It wasn’t what he charged, it’s what he didn’t charge.”

“I’m not following,” said Sean.

“He didn’t have a charge for a hotel room on his corporate card.”

Sean and Michelle exchanged another glance.

“Maybe he used another credit card,” suggested Michelle.

“He always uses the corporate card. In government contracting you have to be very meticulous with expenses and charges. We only use that card for work. Plus Tuck gets all his points on that card. He uses it for plane tickets, upgrades, we all do.” Hilal hurried on. “And he always stays at the same place down there. It’s a nice hotel, but not too expensive. And he gets all the point perks with that chain. But this time he was gone for three nights and had no hotel charges on his credit card.”